Sunday, May 22, 2022

The best laid plans

 Friday I had lofty ambitions for my day off. I even got a head start on some of the cleaning. Saturday morning I woke with the intentions of following through with my plans. I drank my cup of coffee and read blogs. I got dressed much earlier than I usually do on a day off. I threw in the laundry and got it started. It was a beautiful morning so I went out back with my camera and took some pictures. That is where the ambition ended. 

Oh well there's always tomorrow.

If you're up for some Sunday funnies, yesterday, I posted something on Facebook that I find humorous. If you follow me there you may have already seen it but for those who don't, here it is.

So yesterday at work I managed to fall on my butt coming out of the walk in freezer. I jokingly said to the girl I was working with, "I need to be careful. At my age I could break a hip." Without any hesitation she replied "Don't worry, bumbles bounce."


If you aren't familiar with a bumble, he's from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Yukon Cornelius exclaimed "Bumbles bounce" near the end of the movie. 

Before you ask, I didn't get hurt when I fell. I was just happy that no one saw me do it.


betty said...

I don't remember that line from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, but that is a cute saying with "Bumbles bounce". Glad you didn't get hurt when you fell and glad no one saw you. That would be what would worry me the most if someone did watch my "graceful" fall. I always have ambitious plans on the weekends but I rarely tackle any of them :)


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well I'm just really glad you did not get hurt. Here, several of my friends are just falling and falling!! It is scary.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not heard of Bumbles or that they bounce and have not seen Rudolph except in childrens books. that could mean that i am even older and more bouncy than you are. LOL.. glad you were not hurt. you will notice when you reach past your 70's you will fall even more... the balance goes each year after 70.. your day sounds like mine. i made a LIST, I intended to do it. it still lies on the counter awaiting me to do it today. who knows? will I or will I not

Hootin Anni said...

Bumbles? I've seen this holiday special, but don't recall any bumbles. Hmmm
So, what caused the fall y'wonder?

Rose said...

Glad you weren't hurt!

Grace said...

Ah, I was wondering what 'bumbles bounce' meant.

HappyK said...

Bouncing bumbles is new to me. :)
Glad you didn't get hurt.

Pam said...

Always my first thought it making sure that no one saw the fall, then I worry about what I might have hurt. Now with the osteoporosis I really worry now. Those falls as we age can be rough. You might not break but they can be PAINFUL just the same. I have friends that claim I need to be wrapped in bubble wrap.

The Feminine Energy said...

*haha* But in all seriousness I'm glad you didn't get hurt too, Ann.... or have on a skirt or dress when you fell. :-O :-) ~Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad you are doing okay. I never knew that characters name in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I've been trying to push myself each day but it certainly isn't easy. I do try to do something, even if it is a small project. You take care.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself. I would call your day a got something done, no sense getting carried away. 😊

CrystalChick said...

Love the photo! LOL. Glad you weren't hurt. I do have a bad hip and surely would have busted it... this bumble probably wouldn't bounce.

Jeanette said...

Glad you didn't het hurt and no one saw you! It's so embarrassing!

DeniseinVA said...

I never heard of bumbles either. Going to have to pay attention next time I see that movie. Sorry to hear about your fall, I have had my mishaps and the first thing I do is look around to see if anyone saw. Glad you didn't hurt yourself

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