Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Early morning appointment

Yesterday I had an appointment scheduled for an EMG in Erie. My appointment was at 8:00 a.m. and they wanted me to be there 20 minutes early. I got on the road extra early just in case traffic was bad.

That's almost a funny statement looking at the lack of traffic on Interstate 90. As I was driving down the highway my low tire pressure light came on. Just great. Now I needed to get off the highway and make a stop somewhere for air. It's a good thing I did leave early.

I arrived at my destination with about 10 minutes to spare.

The nice thing about early appointments is there isn't much wait time. I was only sitting in the waiting room for about 5 minutes.

If you've never had an EMG, it consists of being shocked and they record the reaction. There were two different people that performed the test. The first one was a technician I think and the second was a doctor.

I couldn't help wondering to myself what kind of evil mind would come up with such a test. Then I almost laughed out loud when the doctor came in wearing a bow tie and I thought it made him look like a psycho serial killer. Lucky for me, he was very nice and my life was not threatened at all. 

I was all done by 8:30 so I made a few stops before going back home. I was in need of more blog material so more on that tomorrow.


CheerfulMonk said...

Did it hurt? Did they tell you the results? Is everything all right? I had never heard of it, so I had to look it up. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

Why did you have the test? What has been wrong? When will you get the results? Yes, I have had this test, many years ago.

Donna said...

Lolol....Oh Ann...I'll never be able to look at my doc without remembering this post!
He also wears a tie...Lolol
Hope you passed the "thriller" test with flying colors!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

most doctors appear to be psychotic to me and thanks for my morning LOL.. i looked it up to, never heard of it. still don't fully understand it.
what is hurting, why did you have the test, is it hands or feet? you gave us the who and what but no why, or when you will no. now you have more fodder for a post

Lori said...

I hope everything turns out well.
Doctor visits are always scary to me.

Rose said...

As everyone else I am wondering what the results were, and had to look it up.

Jeanette said...

Hope everything is ok. Love early appointments and get them as often as I can.

Sandee said...

You do what we do. Leave extra early. Good thing you did. You made me laugh at your impression of your doctor.

Have a fabulous day and week. Big hug to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I've never heard of that test. Glad the test came out good for you. Sorry about the issue with your tire pressure.

Lin said...

Oh, good god almighty! It's like the eye puffer test at the eye dr! The anticipation of getting that blast of air in your eyeball...but this was a SHOCK! EEK. You are are very brave! I hope you get good news after all of that.

DeniseinVA said...

Well, apart from having to put air in your tire, it sounded like your trip was successful. Always a good thing to get out early and have the rest of the day not to have to think about the appointment. I laughed at your serial k. comment. Doctors wear bow ties because there are fewer germs on them than a regular tie. Also ties get caught up with stethoscopes, not to mention pediatricians have small children yank on them and do other things we won't go into, smiling here. A doctor once told me this and it stuck with me and just popped out of my head after you mentioned your bow tie doctor. Enjoyed your photos! Looking forward to your journey home.

DeniseinVA said...

Pushed publish before finishing. Hope you don't have to wait long until the test results come back. Let us know how you're doing, we've never met but it's like we are all a blogging family and I am still concerned for your health.

Ida said...

Okay I've never heard of an EMG and the idea of getting shocked doesn't sound fun at all. Hope everything is okay.

HappyK said...

I enjoyed reading about your appointment. Like your sense of humor. :)
Haven't heard of this test but like the others hope you get the results quickly and all is well.

Liz Hinds said...

I am convinced it was a man who invented mammogram machines! Hope all is well.

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