Saturday, August 26, 2023

The battle is real

 You either want to hold on to summer or you're ready to jump into fall and all the pumpkin spice items available for your sweater weather heart. 

Because my mind works in mysterious ways sometimes, I went to Bing's AI image creator. I typed in "summer flip flops battling pumpkin spice, digital art" This was the result.

Care to pick a side? Honestly I'll take either one. Just please don't give me a parka and tell me we're expecting a foot of snow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love when fall gets here, but hate it getting longer periods of dark!

DeniseinVA said...

I am ready for fall but not for parka weather yet. I need to start playing more with AI.

CheerfulMonk said...

This has been a great summer, but fall is still my favorite season. 😊

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I choose flip flops and we wear them year round, so no decision for me. I would choose end of November if I could, since Nov-March are my most favorite months. we are watching the storm that is headed our way, maybe mid week. that i would not choose

Donna said...

Fall over Summer here in Texas...Any time! I'm SO ready for cooler weather! The weather forecasters say we have a cool front coming in next week...temps will drop from 106 to 98 or so...Lolol

DawnTreader said...

Nature seems to already be moving on into autumn here. Definitely no flip flops. I'll take my new wellies for a walk today!

Grace said...

I hate Summer, Autumn all the time for me (and you know how I feel about pumpkin spice LOL)

Lori said...

I'm a Fall and Winter girl myself. Bring on longer nights, cooler weather and comfort foods.

Rose said...

I am a fall person, and like you, don't want to hear about snow yet. When it actually happens, I still get a feeling of glee like a child, but it is followed two seconds later by the knowledge of how I dread getting out in it.

Linda said...

I love that image!! My daughter Amber mourns the passing of Summer and I can't wait to sail into cooler weather - although we have been triple digit here in Teas for over two months and it looks like it's going to be awhile before we have anything remotely like Fall weather!

Pam said...

I used to love my flip flops, but at a point I realized that I need something that had an arch of some sort. Out went my flippers! But, some sandals are made with arches, and those are the ones I go for. I can't even wear any type of flat shoes at all. But, that don't mean I don't like the freedom of open shoes. Fall, I am ready. I love the fall temps, the colors, the decor.....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, your doing AI. The photo is cute. We are going to be over 100 this week. Stay cool! We have 4 pumpkins growing in our garden.

HappyK said...

I neither want to hang on to summer or want fall to hurry along. I'll just take each day and enjoy it. :)

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