Sunday, February 25, 2024

A fun mother daughter day

I had asked Amanda if she wanted to go out for a little shopping with me. We went to Erie, Pa. She said she didn't have any money but she could watch me spend money. 
As much fun as it is to buy myself things, it was equally fun to treat her to things she liked. 
First we went to the mall. It looks pretty dead in this picture but there really were people walking around. Plus it was a bit on the early side.

We found deals at both Boscovs and Bath and Body works.

We also went to Hobby Lobby twice. The first time was to shop and the second time was to find my phone. Somehow it had fallen into the bottom of the cart and I didn't notice. When we went back Amanda was on the phone trying to see if anyone in the store found it and I ran in to look. First I looked in the carts and that's exactly where it was. I got back to the car and Amanda was still on the phone with a store employee.

Lunch was at Cracker Barrel and it was yummy.

I had already started eating when Amanda reminded me to take a picture of my food.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Most of the malls here are either closed or failing. Now I want to know what you bought at Hobby Lobby. I have been there a couple times lately.

Donna said...

Is that fried chicken? Yummm! That looks so Good...
Glad you two had a fun day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like Cracker Barrel and we have one 1 mile from us that was the first one built not on an interstate, of course bob doesn't want to go there. I used to meet my aunt and cousins at the one by the interstate and have met to bloggers that met me at each one of ours.
Yay for the day out with Amanda. I agree it is more fun to buy something for others. so happy you found your phone. next time take amanda in with you and let her call your phone to find it. or do what Linda does and put a tracker on it.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm SO glad you found your phone! That's such a worry when that happens!

Jeanette said...

Great day out with Amanda! I've been to Hobby Lobby a few times lately!

Lori said...

What a great day with your daughter. I miss days like that with my mom. I went to Hobby Lobby too.

Grace said...

Don't you have a 'Find My Phone' feature on your phone or is that only iPhones? Saw your post on FB and was looking forward to hearing about your day with Amanda....

DeniseinVA said...

Phew on your phone! So glad you found it. I left my purse once at Panera Bread on my seat and someone found it and turned it in. Bless honest people! I remember the relief finding it. How nice you and Amanda had a shopping trip together. The last time I was in a mall it looked very much like this. A few shoppers around but I hear about them closing. I know of at least two places.

HappyK said...

So nice that you and Amanda enjoy your time together.
Sure glad you found your phone. That could have been a nightmare.

CheerfulMonk said...

It melts my heart when you do things with Amanda. I'm glad you had a wonderful day.

Rose said...

It has been ages since I ate at Cracker Barrel...sounds yummy. I would get breakfast. So glad you found your phone.

Ida said...

Sounds like a fun outing (except for losing the phone). I've never eaten at Cracker Barrel but the food looked good.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a great day of shopping and a nice meal. So glad you found your phone.

Lin said...

Whew! Glad you found your phone! What a panic!

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