Saturday, April 27, 2024


 Recently while scrolling through Facebook I came across a post that just made me scratch my head and wonder. 

Either someone has seriously BAD spelling or those were typos. A third possibility is that they were speaking to their phone instead of typing. When I do that the phone never seems to recognize what I'm actually saying. Either way, if it were me, I would have checked for typos before I hit post. 

It did give me a good laugh though and I took the screenshot to send to my daughter.

To point out all the errors

pinside should be Pennside

lots of opso I'm pretty sure is Lhasa Apso or it could be an entirely new breed altogether. 

fence callers should be fence collars


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is hilarious! Let's hope the person was dictating.

CheerfulMonk said...

On the other hand, if the owner of the dogs saw it it would be valuable information. They could figure it out and would bless the person who posted it. The "towards the railroad tracks" brought tears to my eyes. One of Kaitlin and Torben's pups got frightened once and ran away. They searched for days and finally someone found her body by the railroad tracks where she had been hit by a train. That still hurts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I saw this one on FB and did not even notice the errors until now. I felt sorrow for the dogs and since I talk to my phone and forget it can't spell OR can't understand my accent, I read it for what it was which is a concern that we are all learning to read what is there with incorrect spelling. that could be why I am having trouble typing the correct spelling. I hope they are home and safe.. I do think if I were posting it for something like this I would check it, unless of course my memory switch was thrown to OFF

Donna said...

I hate spellcheck...but sometimes it can throw out some funny
Happy weekend!

The Happy Whisk said...

lol. How bad am I? I didn't notice the mistakes either. I was thinking, oh the poor pups and how much I hate those neck zappers.

Rose said...

That could be auto correct sometimes...
Though I suppose not that many...but I have had mine fo some weird words not even close to.whst I was typing. Coukd also be my typing

Jeanette said...

It looks like voice to text. It types what it hears so sometimes it can be pretty funny!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I try to send audio messages to my family some. But with my serious Southern drawl...they get garbled! hahaha!

DeniseinVA said...

I sent out some doozies before I realized I had to take note of auto correct, and I wasn't wearing the right glasses! They also didn't understand my accent though they're a lot better at that these days. As a joke I actually put a John Wayne accent on, and it understood me. True story!

Katerinas Blog said...

Many people due to lack of time do not type but do voice typing. They don't even check for spelling, they don't care..
In the modern Greek language, spelling is very important because it also has to do with the formation of words that come from Ancient Greek...
Have nice Sunday.

Liz Hinds said...

You have to watch out for fence callers! What are fence collars anyway?

Lori said...

Too funny! I hope she was dictating but I still would have checked before I posted.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is funny. I'm guessing that they may have been talking to their phone. I'm not saying that I don't make mistakes but I read things a few times before I post them.

DeniseinVA said...

Smiling here.

Lin said...

I am not a good editor and I have to hire someone to edit my writing for drives me nuts how people post in social media. I mean, it's like one sentence and they can't get it correct? Half the time I don't know what it says! This one is BAD!

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