Thursday, April 4, 2024

Staying positive.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers on yesterdays post. I'll try to answer some of the questions but at this point there isn't a whole lot that we know.
It was just the building and property that were for sale. The business was not for sale. The person buying is under no obligation to keep the business there. From what we understand, the person buying does NOT want this for a grocery store. Aside from being sad about losing my job it's a really bad thing for this town. We have lost so much here. The police department, fire department were both eliminated. We lost the pharmacy just a few months ago and now this. There are so many people with no means of transportation and I don't know what they will do.

As for my car there is no heat or AC.

My daily mantra has been "If He leads me to it, He'll lead me through it". This isn't the first storm that life has taken me through and I know that I will make it through this one just like all the others.

On to a better subject. Wednesday is Senior discount day at the store. It's for seniors 62 and over. I turned 62 on a Thursday so I had to wait till the following week. Last Wednesday I went to work prepared to get my discount. The cashier came back that day and asked if I was buying anything. I told her I wanted to but couldn't think of anything. She said "Well I want to give you your discount". I finally decided to buy a piece of fried chicken and some potato salad for my dinner that night.  It was only 21 cents but I was so incredibly excited that I finally qualified for this. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

This may be the first perk I have heard for being a senior. You have no police, fire department, or drug store?? You must have a really small town? I am guessing everyone gets their prescriptions at Wal-Mart. But that would be the only place for the entire towns prescriptions, I don't see how they could keep up with so many people.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad at least you can get the discount for a while. That's sad about your town. What are they doing for police and fire protection? How far will it be for groceries and medicines? I'm so sorry this is happening. How much will it be to get your AC and heat fixed in your car? Again, I'm so sorry it's happening.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Wow! 21 cent saved! now you only need 799.71 for your car repair....
sounds like your town is shrinking, I have noticed a lot of smaller towns are using the county sheriff or the state patrol, due to not enough tax money to pay for local fire/police. I am sad to hear this. and it makes it harder to find a job that will not require driving a long distance to find a job..

Rose said...

You have such a good attitude towards things...yes, you will survive and things will work out...they always do.

Lori said...

I love your positive attitude. It will work out. That doesn't make it easy though. I'm always sad to hear when towns start to loose basic services. It makes it even harder to find a good job. YAY on the senior discount. I don't shop at Ross very often but did a few weeks ago. Apparently Tuesdays are 55 and over senior discounts. The cashier didn't ask if I was over 55 but I noticed the discount on my receipt. It made me a little sad to know I do look over 55. lol Hang in there my friend. Hugs!!

Jeanette said...

Ha ha! I was in total denial about the senior discount for a long time. Then a few years ago my friend and I were traveling and stopped at a McDonalds for coffee. She told me to get 2 senior coffees and they were only a dollar each! That ended my denial and now I try to get the discount for everything!

Liz Hinds said...

I'm sorry to hear about your potential job loss. Even if it doesn't happen you don't need all this extra stress and worry. Hope things work out. With your job, car and hearing aids. Maybe the new owner will want to set up a coffee shop and will need someone in the bakery!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh no, what have I missed??? I'm so sorry about all of this Ann. Hope with all my heart it works.

HappyK said...

It's a shame so many things are closing, not just by you but all over. We live in crazy times.
You have a great attitude and I'm sure God has something great for you in mind.:) Sometimes it is hard to trust Him but He does come through. :)

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Birthday!

Sorry to read about your job. Are there any other bakeries or driving out a bit to a grocery store with a bakery?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Seriously, you lost all of those other things. I'm so sad to hear that. That is a shame about your car. ((HUGS)) So you will be able to get a discount every Wednesday? That is a great montra. Take care.

DeniseinVA said...

It's terrible this, sorry about your AC too. Kind of that cashier.

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