Wednesday, April 3, 2024

It comes in threes

 This could end up being a very long winded and whiney post. I'll understand if you choose to move on.

Bad things always seem to come in sets of three. I think I may have reached my quota.

1) my hearing aids died. I did find a wonderful person to assist with this and she helped me get the process started for OVR. When the counselor called to set my appointment I mentioned they had gotten them for me before. She told me they normally don't do a second pair. The audiologist sent her documentation stating mine were dead and could not be fixed. She also told them I really needed the new ones. I had my first appointment with the counselor April 1st and it seemed to go well. It does sound like this will all go through.

2) My car. The heater went and I had an appointment to get it fixed. I dropped it off and they called to say they didn't realize how big of a job it was going to be and they couldn't do and I could pick my vehicle up. After talking to two other mechanics in the area I've been told it is a really big job and expensive. I have yet to find a place to do the work. I need to make a few phone calls to see if they can do it and if they can give me an estimate.

3) Work. We found out that the building that was put up for sale by my old boss's wife is pending. She told Marc (new boss and her son) that she can't reveal anything regarding the sale. We suspect that the buyer is someone who does not want to keep the grocery store there. We had an employee meeting April 1st so he could update us on what is going on. His estimate is that we have until May or July at the latest. 

The last of the three has me stressed and heartbroken. I have spent the last 27 years there and it's kind of like home. Losing the job isn't all that worries me. I'm 62  years old and wonder how easy it will be to find another one. Are people going to be willing to hire someone my age? Of course I can file for unemployment when the store does close but that won't provide me with health insurance. I really can't afford to pay for health insurance out of my own pocket. As much as I would like to just kick back for a while and enjoy collecting I need search for a full time job that will provide me with health insurance. 

I suppose I summarized all of that pretty well and didn't get to wordy. But that is where my life is at right now. The store issue is tough on a lot of us but the rest of them either are married or live with parents. I'm the only back up plan I've got. This is definitely one part of being a widow that I don't enjoy. They may not be able to solve all the problems but it's helps to have someone to at least talk it over with at the end of the day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Ann, I am so sorry! And you are so close to retirement! Maybe they will sell to someone who wants to keep it? The health insurance would be a big problem. Maybe you could qualify for Medicaid? And now your car and hearing aid! I wish I could do something to help, but I will be praying about this, that is the best thing I can do. Please keep me informed.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for telling us, I'm so sorry! You have been such a good worker, so hopefully someone will appreciate your work ethic. Before you said it was hard to hire good workers. I hope that's still true. We're all hoping for the best and wish we could do more. Again, thank you for telling us. ❤️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you certainly have hit your quota and all of these are strikes for sure.. I am hoping the building will sell to someone who wants to upgrade the store, like maybe to a chain store and with all your experience in the bakery, they will want to keep you.. fingers crossed this will all work out. no way you can live in snow country without a heater. does the AC work?

Grace said...

Aww sh*t. Was it just the building for sale or the business? And not informing the staff which is just unconscionable. Department managers are not easy to come by - time to start looking is now. Now is also the time to do everything - dentist, doctors, repairs etc. I am so angry on your behalf. If I can help - I helped long distance once before maybe I can again.

Lori said...

I am SO sorry to read all of this. That is a lot to handle, especially all at once. Loosing your job after 27 years is heartbreaking. Is there any chance they will keep it a store and keep you? I know it's easier said than done but try to stay positive and know this will all work itself out. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.

Rose said...

Oh, Ann...that sure is a lot to have happen in a relatively short time. And all three are big things...but know that last is the worst. And I know the feeling of needing someone to talk things over with. I now talk to my daughter, but since Roger's stroke it is hard to carry on much of a conversation with him.

Jeanette said...

Oh my gosh Ann. You certainly have your share of troubles right now, especially the job thing. With your experience you should be able to find another job in a grocery store fairly easily. I did not find any problems getting hired because of my age. I think employers are realizing older workers are good! But nevertheless having to look after all these years is a bummer.

Sandee said...

Goodness Ann. I'm so sorry about the job part of these three. I hear you. You're very talented so I'm hoping you can find a new job. I would be looking right now.

I would take my vehicle to the dealer. They always seen to be able to fix things easily.

Have a blessed day my friend. You have tons of friends and we're here for you. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Praying that you hearing aids work out. That is really a shame about fixing your heater. Hope someone can help you soon. I am so sorry to hear about the store. Yes, being 62 means you will need insurance. I believe you could collect social security. I will definitely be praying about your job. Would they be moving far away? ((HUGS))

HappyK said...

So sorry to hear all your bad news especially about your job. Seems to me even with the age thing your experience of baking should get you another job. Your cakes are works of art. Besides age might be a good thing. Young people don't seem to want to work.

DeniseinVA said...

This is terrible, I am so sorry Ann. I have a few more choice words I could use at the fact that these people are keeping you all in the dark about the new owner. No shame!

The Happy Whisk said...

Wow. You've worked there 27 years. That is amazing. I think you will find another full-time job because so many do not want to work. Many also don't show up for their interviews. You've got 27 years of good stronge value to offer. Anywhere you go, they'll be lucky to have you. PS: Is there a Wegmans bakery near you? I hear that Wegmans is a good company to work for. Don't know if that's true or not. Maybe worth a shot if you have one nearby.

DeniseinVA said...

I'm hoping only the best for you. Life sends us curveballs that's for sure. You have a lot of skills and a lifetime of experience. There will be someone out there that will see that.

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