Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Erie Bluffs State Park

First, let me apologize for the surprise ending to yesterday's post. I had not intentions of ending that way but as I was writing it occurred to me that it was getting closer to Wade's birthday. It fit the rest of the theme.

On to Erie Bluffs State Park. A while ago, while doing a search for hiking trails in the area I found this park. I've been wanting to go and check it out and finally decided to go for it. I didn't explore as much as I would have liked but I think if I had someone else there I would be braver. I kept imagining myself getting lost in the endless trails.

Just a few from the day and then more tomorrow.

This was just after I left the parking lot. I had no idea what was in store and at this point, I thought it didn't look like it was going to be all that great. I was wrong.

The scenery alone was enough to make it worth the trip. This is only 12 miles from my house. I thought for a while that I was going to be really hot if I had to keep walking out in the sun but eventually I got to the wooded areas.

This isn't a trail but I was standing on one looking into the woods. It's really very peaceful.

I headed down a hill as I was going through the woods and when I turned around it occurred to me that when you walk down a hill, you eventually must walk back up.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Now I want to know how you ever found your way back home! I am looking forward to the rest of your hike. Do not ever apologize for letting us know your feelings, this is an important part of blogging! It make us more of a blog family. If you never mentioned Wade, or your sorrow, it just would not seem right. It is part of your life, and that is what blogs are all about, our lives.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely hiking trail! So peaceful and quiet looking. I look forward to seeing more from this adventure.

I agree with Ginny in her comment above.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree with Ginny, blogging is an outlet, pour it all out there to us because we CARE.. blog it all out, that is your new mission. I liked your post yesterday and it was heartfelt... this park is wonderful. we have many of these and none of them are more than 7 to 10 miles, 2 are only 3 miles and I never go because I don't like going by myself. your were brave. when I go in parks like this alone, I feel insecure and keept thinking what if I got bit by a snake or fell down and broke something, it is all about being alone. Hootin Annie and several of of my blog friends prefer going alone, they drive miles and hike, all alone. I just prefer company. wish we were close so we could hike it all out

CrystalChick said...

Helloooo! Long lost blogger here... maybe I wandered too far down a walking path and couldn't find my way back here. haha
What a nice place to visit, I'm glad you went and explored a little. We have a state forest near us and while I'd be hesitant to go too far on my own, there is something for everyone. The best part, that peaceful feeling you mentioned.

Sandee said...

I always remember if you go down you have to come back up. I'll always go uphill first. Then when it's time to come back it's easier to get back to where you started.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Marg said...

That sure looks like a great place to visit with lots of nice peaceful things to see. Love the pictures. Ann, you have a really nice day.

Grace said...

Not always...the hills where I live only go in one direction Up!

Ann Thompson said...

I used my phones GPS to find the park and while in there I pretty much stayed with one trail.
You are right about getting my feelings out and I must say that all of you have been so incredibly supportive.

Ann Thompson said...

Yeah up first would have been ideal but it didn't work out that way

Ann Thompson said...

It was tough going up this one especially since my hip had been bothering me. I kept reminding myself to take it slow and i would get back to the top

BeadedTail said...

We realize that you're going to go through many changes and difficult moments so it's okay to share what you're experiencing if you want to. As for the hike, it looks like such a peaceful place to be. I love hiking in the woods and find it good for my soul. I wish I could go with you!

Reeni said...

Looks like a beautiful and peaceful place! I haven't been hiking or in the woods forever - it looks nice and cool in there. No need to apologize! HUGS

Hootin Anni said...

Pretty!! Wish I lived close by...I'd go hiking with you.

Ann Thompson said...

This blog and all of you have been a lifesaver.
I want to go back to this park again, there so much more to see. Totally agree about hiking in the woods being good for the soul

Ann Thompson said...

It is very peaceful I want to go back again and do some more explorjng

Ann Thompson said...

It sure is. That would be great if you lived close. You could keep me motivated to keep walking

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Way to go on getting out and exploring!!! It looks like a lovely spot.

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