Monday, August 13, 2018

This time last year.

This time last year, my hydrangea bush had flowers all over it. This year there's not a single bloom

This time last year I had 2 tiny little tomatoes. This year I didn't even buy any tomato plants.

This time last year I was already working on crafting for the next show. Of course, that little spurt didn't last but this year I haven't done anything.

This time last year I was wondering what to get Wade for his birthday. This year I'm wishing I could.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hugs and Love and lots of love coming your way through the wi fi waves... wish I were there to visit with you.... sometimes life sucks and yours is there at this moment. hang on and hang in there, prayers for life to get better... love the little angels..

Lin said...

Aw. Gotta get through all those "firsts", Ann. It's gonna be okay.

Grace said...

Oh my dear heart, they say with time it gets easier, not enough time has passed for that I fear, yes, so many 'firsts' ahead. Love...

Pam said...

My thoughts go out to you. And I am giving you virtual hugs right now.

Hootin Anni said...

Ahhhh, I feel so deeply sad Ann. You're in my heart!!

Sharkbytes said...

Aw... I'm sure it's hard to get enthused about craft shows when you didn't do as well as you'd hoped in the last one.

Sandee said...

Oh honey, I did't see that coming. Big healing hugs. Love you. ♥♥♥

BeadedTail said...

I wasn't expecting this post to end the way it did although I know his birthday is the day before mine. My thoughts are with you. Sending hugs.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear, dear Ann ~ my heart goes out to you. I know the feeling.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your clipboards are so adorable! The weather this year has ruined many plants. It is no wonder you have not gotten much done. Wish I could be there so we could talk and hug!!!

Ann said...

Yep, there are going to be a lot of firsts coming my way.

Ann said...

I believe you are right. At least until I hit the one year anniversary there are going to be a whole lot of things that will be a "first" for me.

Ann said...

Thanks Pam, much appreciated.

Ann said...

Thanks Anni. All you blog pals have been the best.

Ann said...

Actually I don't think that's what's keeping me from crafting. I think the problem is that there are just too many things on my "to do" list and I feel guilty about leaving that sit while I play in the craft room. Or maybe not, but it's a

Ann said...

Honestly I didn't either. It came to me as I was writing the post.

Ann said...

I wasn't planning on that at all. It just came to me as I was writing that it was almost his birthday. Thanks for the hugs, much appreciated.

Ann said...

Oh me too. If I could invite all my blog pals over for coffee we could have a big old gab fest.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Ann. Holidays, birthdays etc. are bittersweet after a loss. Sending my love to you.

Pam said...

Never say that you are sorry when you are missing Wade. We understand. Great shots.

CrystalChick said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. Ann, it seems that you've had to deal with a great loss. I have been gone from my blog for some time and am trying to catch up now so I best offer condolences and my sincere hope that you are doing okay.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so sad, my heart hurts for you. You know want to make the most of each day, love the people we love, but seldom get around to it. You are the reminder of how quickly life changes. I wish so much that you could buy Wade a present. ((HUGS))

Ann Thompson said...

Thanks Pam

Reeni said...

Aww I'm sorry! Big HUGS

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