Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I've got nothing

I have nothing for today so I dug in the archives and found this picture of a much younger and very scruffy Gibbs. I find it utterly adorable.

Yesterday I had an appointment with OVR which is the Pennsylvania office of vocational rehabilitation. I had filled out an application to request help in obtaining hearing aids. When I went to the ENT they did a hearing test and told me I could benefit from hearing aids. I was told that they start at $1,000 each. When I told her there was no way I could afford something like that she had given me the information to apply to OVR. It sounds like everything is going to go through so maybe I'll be hearing better soon. 
When I got home from my appointment, for some reason I was dead tired. This did not go over well with Gibbs. He sat there staring at me and whining. He eventually realized I was not going to give in and go play and I was able to nap for most of the afternoon.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy news on the hearing aid, aid... woo hoo... living with two non hearing persons lets me know what you are going through. People speak and you don't hear them and they think you are ignoring them. that happens to bob a lot and also someone will be talking and he talks over them because he doesn't know they are talking... this picture of Gibss is so precious and it is so clear I can see every precious fur.

Sandee said...

I hope you get your hearing aids and very cheaply too. They are indeed expensive.

Gibbs is adorable. He know it too and he always wanted you to pay attention to him. It's the way of pups.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Something about Gibbs feet that always catch my eye! And great news about the hearing aids. Probably a lot of help out there that we don't even know about - so great that the ENT was able to help. Wow that's probably gonna change your life a bit, for the better.

Lin said...

Well, now..THAT is GOOD NEWS!! I am happy that the ENT helped with the link to OVR. :) Yea!

Silver in AZ said...

my fingers crossed that you are able to get the aid for the cost of the hearing aids!

Gibbs is adorable at any age.

Connie said...

You've got Gibbs! It's nice to see his sweet face again :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

You've got plenty! Phil has been losing his hearing, just a bit. He got hearing aids at Costco, but could not see very much difference so he took them back. Gibbs is adorable!!

Ann Thompson said...

With my income, according to her my cost will be 0.

Ann Thompson said...

It sure would be nice to hear what people are saying again. Some people I hear fine and others it's almost impossible. It depends on the tone. I'm discovering there is a lot of help out there. I honestly almost didn't apply for this because the way I was reading things it didn't sound like I qualified. I'm glad I took a chance

Ann Thompson said...

I know, how about that. I suppose it's in their best interest to suggest OVR because at least that wah the sell hearing aids. Without that help, I would never be able to afford it

Ann Thompson said...

Thanks. If I understood her correctly it's a go but just in case I didn't understand her right keep those fingers crossed

Ann Thompson said...

Mine has been getting worse over the years. Wade was always amazed at the fact that something he could hear perfectly I couldn't hear at all. He used to get annoyed with me because I couldn't hear what he was saying

Out on the prairie said...

Poor baby, doubt he is too neglected

BeadedTail said...

Great news on the hearing aids! Those will make a big difference for you so it's wonderful the ENT told you about that resource! Gibbs is so cute! We have to walk Lexi three times a day or else she won't sleep through the night and she'll drive me bonkers all day. In between the walks there's zoomies and play of course so I'm exhausted.

Ann said...

He would disagree, he thinks he's very neglected. He was just sitting next to my chair whining because I wouldn't give him something out of the garbage can.

Ann said...

Being able to hear better sure would be nice.
We still have the zoomies here. Every now and then he gets himself all wound up.

Sharkbytes said...

Hope the hearing aids help! Sometimes just getting through those paperwork ordeals is draining.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well that is good news. I hope it all works out perfectly and you can hear again.

Ann Thompson said...

Me too. It would be nice to hear well again. There is a lot of paperwork and long wait times

Reeni said...

Aww Gibbs! You're so gosh darn CUTE! I hope you can get your hearing aids! My Dad needs them but he's too stubborn to get them.

Ann Thompson said...

The only thing stopping me from getting them was the cost

CrystalChick said...

I am glad you will be able to get hearing aids!! My husband is deaf in one ear from tinnitus. He's had multiple appts. and evaluations and aids were suggested but none of the charges would be covered and he doesn't qualify for financial aid. He doesn't want to spend the thousands of dollars it would cost because with his condition it might not help. :(
Sounds like you will get improvement real soon. Great!!

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