Thursday, August 9, 2018


For the most part, things have been going fairly well. I feel like I am adjusting to my new life ok. Then there are days when out of nowhere I feel an overwhelming sense of sadness. Yesterday was one of those days. I was doing ok and while at work we were just chatting about normal things. We talked about how fast the year is going by and how it will be winter before long. We talked about how close the holidays are. I started thinking about how much colder and longer the winter is going to feel. I was reminded of how lonely the holidays will be.

I know that these feelings will pass and the tears will stop but for right now I will cry a little

I want you all to know how much I appreciate you too. The love, support, and encouragement that I have received from all of you means so much to me. So thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot even imagine, my friend. You are a strong woman, but even in our strength there can be such dreadful sorrow. It seems from your posts that you are doing so well! And I hope that is true for most of the time.

crafty cat corner said...

I think you seem to have done so well Anne, I often wonder what it would be like without Tom and like to think that I would be able to carry on as he would have liked me to, but who knows?
Tears are good for you, I know when I have a good cry about something I aways feel better after.
I'm sure Wade wouldn't want you miserable.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

think of crying as your little release valve that sits and jiggles on a pressure cooker, your sadness and frustration builds and builds, the little jiggler has to release the pressure or explode, crying release the pressure. that is my theory. glad you are having some good days and only a few of the bad.. and pray the good soon gets more than the bad days.... I had 3 Christmas that I lived alone, I wanted to swat the tree everytime I looked at it..

Lin said...

Take it day by day. Don't look too far ahead or you just get overwhelmed. Play it all by ear. This may be the year to start new traditions with the holidays. don't have to think about that now. Take today...and tomorrow...

Sending you a big hug.

Grace said...

Ah, the photos went from color to black and white, as will your moods go - and back to color again. It took me years to allow myself to cry, but it is such a cleansing reaction. Yes, just day by day, adjusting to the new normal.

Debby@Just Breathe said...


Sandee said...

You do what you need to do. Cry if you want. Laugh if you want. I'll be right here for you.

Big hugs and tons of love. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Tears are healing! I cried a lot in the beginning of my life without my dear husband. There were so many triggers after having lived and loved together for 43 years. Time has lessened the tears, but memories are still strong and even though he is gone, my love for him continues to grow. I miss him every single day.

Just take each day as it comes and go with the flow.

Love, hugs and prayers for you dear Ann ~ FlowerLady

Ann Thompson said...

I never used to think I was all that strong but the more things that happened in my life the more I learned that I really am.

Ann Thompson said...

I always figured I would live longer than Wade but I didn't think he would go this soon. Crying is good and then the next day I can get back to normal

Ann Thompson said...

Yep day by day is the way to go

Ann Thompson said...

Great minds think alike because moods going from color to black and white is exactly what I we thinking when I did the pictures

Ann Thompson said...

Thank you. Today I choose laugjing

Lin said...

Just so you know...if you are alone or just feeling blue for the are always invited to Chicago to escape. I will need someone to help me with setting up the village. I have a new Sister Jean for under the tree this year!

Reeni said...

Aww so sorry! Just the other day I was thinking of Moon not being here for Christmas and how much he loved the tree - last year he would just sit and stare at it for hours and what will I do with his stocking with his name on it. Like someone else said maybe start some new traditions this year if you're feeling up to it. More HUGS

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's ok to cry and you'll always have those feelings. But I'm glad you have your work and things to keep you busy. It's other way around it. I keep you in my prayers sweet friend! Hugs!

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