Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy Birthday in heaven

Today would have been Wade's 60th birthday.

It looks like he might be holding a phone in the picture. This is actually signature Wade pose. He's giving me the finger only more discreetly than usual.


Hootin Anni said...

Happy thoughts for you today. And I have 2 guys that do that 'pose' all the time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob has never done the finger, but he frowns really hard when I aim the camera at him and he sees it. I have tons of him from the back side. I know you miss him, hugs and more hugs coming your way

Ginny Hartzler said...

I don't know how you made this double picture, but it is really cool. I know this day will be even harder for you, I am so sorry.

Lin said...

Oh, that stinker! :)

Ann said...

I have very few pictures of Wade where he wasn't giving me the finger.

Ann said...

I layered one picture on top of the other and then erased part of the top one to show the picture on the bottom.

Ann said...

Yep, but not exactly the name I used to call him when he did

Grace said...

Another 'first' to deal with. Seriously, that's what he is doing? I have no comment on that.

Sharkbytes said...

Private jokes like that will be one of good memories.

crafty cat corner said...

60 is far too young to be in heaven. Lovely picture for you to keep though Anne,

Sandee said...

This will be a bittersweet day for you. I wish I could give you a big hug and take you out to a nice lunch somewhere.

Know that's I'm sending you big hugs. Love you, Ann. Scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ann said...

Yes, seriously, that is what he was doing. Almost every time I tried to get his picture that's what he would do. Most times he was more obvious about it. I once took a really nice picture of him wit 3 of his 4 kids and there he sat with his middle finger up. I cut his finger off in photoshop to save the picture.

Ann said...

yes, they sure will

Ann said...

Thanks Sanee

Ann said...

yes, it certainly is.

BeadedTail said...

Did he find it to be a joke to give you the finger or was it his response to any picture being taken of him? I'm glad you do have some photos of him though. Thinking of you today.

Out on the prairie said...

A friends dad always stuck out his tongue

Ida said...

Sending you a hug because I know this day has to be hard for you. It's nice picture of him (finger) and all.

suzyb said...

A gentle hug coming to you today. Thank goodness for memories and photographs no matter how many we have, they are important.

Ann Thompson said...

It was his responae to most pictures being taken of him

Ann Thompson said...

I guess we all have our own special pose lol

Ann Thompson said...

Thank you

Ann Thompson said...

Thanks. The pictures do help to relive the happy memories

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha---he was a stinker, wasn't he??? BUT---you obviously had some awesome memories with him --and about him... SO--on these sad days, just remember those memories --and think of him up there on a cloud somewhere still giving you the finger... ha


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Seriously, he gave you the finger when you took photos. OMG! Happy Birthday to Wade.

Ann Thompson said...

LOL I'm sure he is doing exactly that Betsy

Reeni said...

That's what I feel like doing when someone takes my picture! But I don't! :) Big HUGS

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