Thursday, January 27, 2022


As I was leaving work I noticed the icicles hanging off the back of the building. They get pretty big every year.

I cleaned the snow off my car and hoped that when I got home I would find that they had plowed again. No such luck. I parked in the road because there was quite a bit of heavy looking snow at the end of the driveway from the plows. With my luck I would have gotten stuck in it. 

I went inside and sent a text to the guy who plows asking if he could hit my driveway. I waited two hours and didn't hear anything. It was now 5:00 and for me that's getting late. I didn't want to leave my car in the street all night. I put on my big girl panties and went out and shoveled the driveway. It wasn't too bad until I got to the end where it was REALLY heavy. I put the car back in the driveway, went in the house and sent a text to the plow guy to never mind and then sat down and had a good cry. Then I went and got a shower and when I came back down there was a response from the plow guy saying "Thanks for messaging us. We try to be as responsive as possible. We'll get back to you soon." Really? @#$%&.

Speaking of @#$%&, did you know that's called a Grawlix? Yep, I read it at this link


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry you had to do your driveway and I would have cried too. almost did reading about your story. i had no idea the HBO symbols have a name. I hope I can remember the name, haha. what I dont' get is why it is ok to type the symbols which is the same thing as saying what ever $#*!. just like some initials. on FB i you type the word for this grawlix it changes it to S**T. auto correct on my phone changes curse words.
The grawlix: it's some good $#*!.
wow on the icicles... sooooooooo glad they are not outside my window

Rose said...

Oh, Ann, what a thing to have to do after work! That looks like a huge job.

I have not seen icicles that big in years and years!

Hootin Anni said...

I'd cry too. But, in the end, it didn't make the snow go away. I hate winter.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, I haven’t ever seen icicles that long! I would have said many a Grawlix at all that snow, and probably would have said even more and have a good cry after shoveling it. So sorry you had to deal with all that.

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm so sorry about that, Ann!! :-( We have a snow blower... have you ever thought about possibly getting one? They're fast although stinky (exhaust) but at least it's better than shoveling by hand. Either that or maybe calling another company to do your snow removal? Snow is such a pain in the neck, no matter HOW you get rid of it. Pooey!! *gentle hugs* ~Andrea xoxo

Sandee said...

Not a great way to end a workday. I'm so sorry. I hope today is a better day.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I guess the business was overwhelmed...that's a lot of snow. The icicles are something to see. I'm proud of you my friend for getting it done. That's not easy...I couldn't have done it. Hugs!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

You deserved that cry!!!!!!!

"Grawlix" hu? LOL

Just a thought.... I'm sure you won't mind my saying that you aren't a "spring chicken" any more. Since I am so farrrrr beyond "spring chicken hood" that it's not funny!!!

Anyway, how long are you going to be able to keep shoveling heavy snow? Without really hurting your back? And then, not good.

Sooooo, would it be a thought, to invest in a snow blower?

For the sake of your back???????

💗 💗 💗

Lin said...

I don't blame you for the cry. I think that certainly deserved a good know, with a couple of loud sobs and lots of self-pity. I'm sorry that happened. I like the comment about maybe getting a snow blower? We got a small one 20 years ago that I could handle. It wasn't too expensive and we made payments on it...but it allowed me to do the driveway while Joe was at work and I had two small kids. We just got a replacement and it was $500 and it was a Toro. Just food for thought. You may find a used one cheaper too.

Connie said...

That's a problem here too . . . I think everywhere, but we really notice it after we get older and when we don't have a husband or children at home to help. Many people have heart attacks shoveling snow. It's not a good thing having your driveway blocked, not only do you not want your car parked on the icy street for other cars to plow into, but you don't need to be walking from the house to the street when it is slippery. Hopefully this will be your last big snow. At least that's what I'm hoping for here as well.

Martha said...

Wow Ann I've never even seen icicles like that in photos before! I sure would have cried too doing what you had to do after a long day of work. Time to move to Florida? :)

betty said...

Those icicles are pretty. Hope no one is under them if they break off! I learned something new about the Grawlix. Hadn't heard of that before :)

But what a nightmare to do the shoveling like that! I said it before, but I know it has to be hard on the plow service people because when it snows of course everyone wants their driveways and the like shoveled but I think they need to get a better way to keep up with their customer's needs. And I have to say I think they should prioritize and do the older people or disabled people first.

I am of the opinion that sometimes we need to have a good cry. This would have been one of those times for me too I think.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

((Hugs)) I would have cried too. So sorry about that. I am very surprised to read about those Grawlix. That just doesn't seem right for him to send that. Those icicles are amazing.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

what magnificent ice-thingies

virtual hugs from me to you

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