Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Yesterday morning my phone rang at 5:45 a.m.. it was the store calling wanting to know if I could come into work because no one else could get there because of the snow. I told him I would try and let him know. When I attempted to let Gibbs out the snow was so deep that I was pushing it with the door. I called back and said sorry there's no way I'm going to get out of my driveway. When all was said and done I think there was probably at least three feet of snow piled up at the end of my driveway. The search was on for someone to plow

These are not very good pictures, they were all taken through the window.

One of the deli girls who managed to make it to work said that the manager that was there was having her fry donuts. They weren't even open and at 8:00 the store still wasn't open.

First attempts to find someone to plow were not going well. Then all of a sudden I had two call backs at once.

My son in law was actually on his way over to shovel for me because he didn't want me to be out there trying to shovel. 

Around 3:00 someone showed up to plow. I'm pretty sure it was the guy who mows for me. He was the first one I contacted but I didn't think he was going to make it because he said he would try but that they were pretty overwhelmed. When he got done plowing he drove off without coming and asking to get paid so I'm sure it was him since he always billed me for mowing.

We haven't had a snowfall like this in a long time and I hope it will be a long time before we have another one. This was just too much.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad you didn't try to go to work!! You DID stay home all day, right? You outdid us, we only got 7 inches.

CheerfulMonk said...

I hope you took advantage of staying at home! You deserve a snow day once in a while. I'm also glad you eventually found someone to do the shoveling. I'm glad you have your lawn guy, and your son in law sounds like a gem.

Rose said...

That is a lot of snow! I dont envy you having to be out in it.

Hootin Anni said...

Crazy!! I'd find a warm,cozy, hole on the couch, and spend the day there!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so glad you found the help you needed and did not go to work. I am surprised that anyone would shop in the snow. that is a LOT of snow. i can see how much by looking at the mailboxes and trees/bushes. poor Gibbs would disapear completely. I hope that was the last hurrah and you don't get more today and that you were able to get safely to work today...

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh my word, you sure did get socked by the storm, girl!! I'm jealous as I love-love-love a good snow storm. Here in northern-most Indiana, where we have pretty snowy Januarys, some of our grass is still showing! Pooey! I want snow! *haha* Ya know, I'm glad you couldn't get out to go to work.... make your boss deal with it!! *lol* ~Andrea xoxoxo

Jeanette said...

Wow! You did get a lot of snow! Glad you stayed home and out of it. You have a very thoughtful son-in-law.

DeniseinVA said...

So glad you didn't try to get into work in that mess. I remember the blizzard of 78 when the car was completely covered, you couldn't tell it was a car. These photos look right up there. Glad you got the man to plow and smiling at that wonderful son of yours who came by with a shovel.

Sandee said...

Yikes, that's a lot of snow. You make me so happy I don't live in snow country.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Good thing you got to stay home!!!!!

Wondering where you are? I think you are not as far north as we are. But not sure...

Only if you want to say of course! And then, only in general terms. Or by email. My email addy is on my Profile Page.

I had an idea once... To put up a map. Put little pins on it, where each Dear Blogger was located. But never did it. -sigh-

Merry Midwinter Wishes

Lin said...

WOW! I can't believe how much snow you got! Glad you found someone to plow...that is too much to shovel.

Pam said...

WOW....three feet, that is crazy. Lots of snow. I love it. Our last one we only got a little of an inch and I did not go out and play.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I posted a comment but it said it didn't go through. Glad you were able to get your snow cleared. Take care.

betty said...

I just can't imagine that much snow! Even when we lived in Montana, we never had that much at one time (not when we lived there but it happened a few years before we had moved into the area).

It has got to be hard to have a snow plowing business. Feast or famine it would seem. Either you are super busy when it snows a lot or waiting for the snow to come. That was nice you got yours plowed and also nice your SIL offered to help you out too. Shoveling that much snow would take such a long time!


Donna said...

Oh nooooo way….You’re a brave soul!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wowsers!!!! That is some crazy amount of snow... It must have been the same system that we've had this week (6 inches here). That is the most we've had here in a few years...

Glad you didn't try to get out in that mess... Seems like they would have closed the store that day...

Stay SAFE and WARM.


My Tata's Cottage said...

Snow days are fun if you can get the snow away from the house! We have icy rain and the roads and sidewalks are slick as a skating rink! I would like more snow please. The weather has been wicked everywhere. My friend Brenda in Florida saw snow flurries in the middle of the night! She said, didn't I move away from this? hahaha but her snow did not amount too much of anything.
Glad you had some time at home. It is not worth the risk going out in such a mess!
Stay safe and warm.

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