Wednesday, January 19, 2022

I keep forgetting

 I've been meaning to post about a blog friend I never knew I had. I got a Christmas card and didn't recognize the name or return address. Inside was a letter from Bobi who's been reading my blog for a few years but can't comment because she doesn't have a google account. She was kind enough to include a disposable bag for cake decorating after reading one of my posts complaining about the customer who orders cakes with multiple colors. She wondered why my boss didn't spring for disposable bags. Truth is I can order things like that and we do have a box of the disposable bags. I don't often use them because they are extra large and not my favorite bag to use. 

Any way, I got to wondering if there are other blog friends out there that I don't know about. Just a reminder to anyone who reads my blog and can't comment, Under the about tab you'll find my email address and can contact me any time. 

So a great big hi to Bobi and thank you for the Christmas card.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How lovely! Of course, my next question is can you order smaller bags? I have several followers in my followers box on the blog that I have never heard of.

CheerfulMonk said...

What a thoughtful gift. ❤️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have 2 that I know of that read every day but never comment. one occasionally emails the other sends snail mail letters commenting. I don't read any that I don't comment on. but i think there are many who do. we know from the stats 100's come and go but never comment, might not even read.

Hootin Anni said...

That was a nice gesture!!!

Donna said...

Instead of buying extra bags, I use different sized ziploc bags…fill them with different colors then either I have inserted a tip into a corner or I’ve just snipped the corner and start decorating. No expensive bag buying if I’ve run out.

Rose said...

There are still thoughtful people around!

The Feminine Energy said...

What an interesting story about Bobi, Ann. How fun!!! ~Andrea xoxo

Lin said...

Blog friends are the BEST, aren't they? I have met some of the nicest people through blogging. I really like when you can connect via comments or emails. I'm glad she finally let you know that she was out there reading all along!

Sandee said...

It's fun to find new friends and often we don't know who they are until they tell us. A delight for you indeed.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

My Tata's Cottage said...

That was fun to find a friend with a thoughtful heart. I love that!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's really interesting. Glad she got in touch with you.

betty said...

That was really sweet how she reached out like that to you with the card and a thoughtful gift! I often wonder how many people read our blogs and never comment for one reason or another (probably because I read some blogs that I don't comment on).


DeniseinVA said...

What a kind lady Bobi is, a very thoughtful gift and card :)

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

another wow -- awesome though that she took time to tell you.,.

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