Sunday, January 9, 2022

The morning after

There's got to be a morning after. The snow storm ended and the morning after was bright and shiny with beautiful blue skies.

There's got to be a morning after reminded me of an old song. This is by Maureen McGovern and was the theme song from The Poseidon Adventure.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I remember this song very well!! It's a good song.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am listening while I type and from the title I read first was already humming this song while looking at your photos. perfect title, song and photos. glad today is the morning after, or maybe two mornings after. I did not know this song was from The Posiedon Adventure. I don't watch movies about ships singing because my biggest fear since birth is water. I can't watch submarine movies either

Rose said...

Oh, yes, I remember the song...

The Feminine Energy said...

I remember this song and have always loved it. Yes, the morning after. Your morning after is pretty, with the sun shining on the neighboring houses. ~Andrea xoxoxo

Martha said...

I thought of the song as soon as I read the first line of your post. Looks like a beautiful day - enjoy!

Beside a babbling brook... said...


And here..... We have an ice storm!!!


🌲 🌲 🌲 🌲

Donna said...

Good news! Glad there's been a break in the weather for you...
Hope you are enjoying your peaceful weekend!!

Pam said...

Always loved that song. Well, this morning being the morning after yesterday that is a stretch, we have pouring rain. Lots of pouring rain. My yard looks like it can't handle any more. And our temps went from the teens (yesterday morn) to 50s this body is yelling and I have an event I don't want to miss, but I have to make my rear get up and move.Looks like a nice area to live.

Hootin Anni said...

I used to sing this song years ago. Great movie.
Hey, it's 70° here...but raining.

betty said...

I remember the song and the movie! That was a long time ago :) It is always pretty after a snowfall, especially if one doesn't have to be out in it and can view it from the safety of inside their home :)


CheerfulMonk said...

The sunshine after the storm is my favorite part of winter. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful bright day! Nice song from that movie. Have a nice day.

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