Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Pardon my absence.

 I had no intentions of doing a disappearing act like that. Life is what it is sometimes and I guess I just needed a break. I've been feeling very uninspired and very tired, both physically and mentally. I can blame three things for my present condition.

One is the weather. The cold and snow make me sluggish. 

Two is work. I'm getting old and I forget that I'm not wonder woman. 

Three is Gibbs. Because of his extreme bad habits, I'm forced to spend the majority of my time in the basement with him. He tends to lift his leg wherever and whenever he feels like. When we are in the basement he's done quite well and I'm able to keep a close eye on him. If I go upstairs and try to do something I'm distracted and he does bad things. I could confine him to the basement where he stays while I'm at work but I feel guilty doing that. I was using the belly bands but discovered that I'm a bad dog mom. When I took him for grooming they discovered a sore on his male dog parts which were caused by the belly bands. He would pee in them and they would stay on him too long and he developed a sore. We've adapted our routine to avoid having to wear the belly band.

So there you have it. My excuse. Here's a little video to show what we did while we weren't blogging. You might want to turn the sound down since the tv is probably really loud. I didn't have my hearing aids in while I was watching.


CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for checking in, but please take care of yourself. ❤️

Hootin Anni said...

He made the perfect nest to settle down. Gibbs is probably bored with the weather too!!

Rose said...

I was going to email if you didnt post..saw the video last night. I don't see how you do all you do. I can sure understand needing a break.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Got to get that blankie exactly how you want it. You are looking adorable Gibbs. Glad to see you pop up today. Your weather might shut me down completely. I don't do well in cold weather. did you try looking on youtube or how to train older dogs to not pee in the house? i bet there are some there.

Donna said...

Without our fenced in back yard and the doggy door, I'd be in trouble!
Our Buddy has only had one accident in the house since we rescued him 11 years ago... Our Libby (Pug) found it harder to learn but we kept taking her out (she hates being alone...lolol) where now, she comes and goes.
You might check into it...even a small area around the back door...then add the doggy door. It's a flippin' lifesaver!!

Sandee said...

When it's gloomy out we can be gloomy. You're affected with SAD like I am.

I love the video. Pups have to have things just right before they lay down. Cute.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Beside a babbling brook... said...

When an animal's habits change, me'thinks a trip to the vet is needed.

I take it, he is getting on in age. Like us, they can need some medical attention, in later years.

You really can't live your life, in one part of the house, because of him.

And welcome to the club. January is being a Mean Bitch of a month!!!! -sigh-

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I didn't know that about Gibbs. That would have me down. How old is he? Thank you for checking in with us. We are here if you need us. ((Hugs))

Connie said...

When Butch was a young dog we had a time when he started peeing in the house again . . . winter is usually worst because they don't like the cold anymore than we do. Our vet told us to use his old cage kennel (something that we had quit using because Butchy didn't like it.) She said, put him in it every time you bring him inside give him a treat or a chew bone to make it a cozier environment, but only let him out to go potty, then right back in. I hated doing this but stuck with it . . . it took two or three weeks, but after that Butchy stopped peeing in the house and all was fine . . . new put the kennel back on the shelf.
Just a thought.

Carol said...

OH I am so sad that your precious pup is causing so many issues. I will pray for you and your puppy.

betty said...

That was a cute little video! Poor Gibbs! Glad you got a system that works though with you being in the basement with him. Spring is just around the corner, but I know there still is a lot of winter left. It is hard not to feel sluggish when it is so cold out there. Hard to keep moving sometimes!


Jeanette said...

Well, we're just glad you are ok. I certainly can sympathize with how you are feeling. Take heart, Spring is closer every day! Scritches to that cute little stinker!

The Feminine Energy said...

You certainly are allowed to be absent from your blog, Ann. I understand completely. Please pardon us for worrying about you tho, since you're such a regular daily blogger. Of course I fear the worst when you're gone. xoxoxo

Is Gibbs neutered? I've heard that sometimes unneutered dogs "raise a leg" inside, to mark their territory. Have you had a urinalysis done on him at the vet? Sometimes a UTI can cause them to do the same thing.

Working full-time & having a dog is hard. Have you ever tried crating him? Was he ever crate trained?

If I lived close I'd come over mid-day to let him out.

~Andrea xoxoxo

Pam said...

I understand, some days you just need YOU time. I have been doing a lot of crying, very emotional ups and down the past two weeks....no clue. As for Gibbs, that too I get but thank goodness Chey is a girl and no hiking. She is driving me nuts...

DeniseinVA said...

Gibbs is adorable and it's a cute video. You've got a lot going on. Sometimes we need to take a break. On top of it all, the winter! Hope you and Gibbs feel better real soon.

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