Sunday, April 24, 2022

A touch of spring continued

Yesterday I left you with the signs of spring in my yard. It felt like winter was finally over and then came Easter Sunday morning. As I was leaving to go to work this is what I saw through my windshield  
Let's turn on those windshield wipers and get a better look
The pictures aren't very clear but let me assure you, it was snowing like it was Christmas morning instead of Easter. 


betty said...

Wow! You go to work early too if it is still dark outside! What an interesting surprise for an Easter morn!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow. this reminds me of when I was growing up in Savannah GA we always had a new Easter dress with a matching coat. we never knew if we could wear the dress alone or needed a coat... see saw weather.. sorry about the snow.... i accidently deleted ALL feedly today and am having to wade my way through finding those I need to read.

Rose said...

Wonder if we have had the last snow now? Our neighbor says he remembers it snowing his first race in May.

Hootin Anni said...

Snow? Again? Bummer!!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, hoping you get sunshine and warmth very soon.

Jeanette said...

We got snow the Monday after Easter! An inch or so if wet, sloppy stuff! Luckily it was gone the next day. Hopefully to stay away for a while!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It snowed here, too. Though it was a few days before Easter. The surprises just keep coming, don't they?

Pam said...

Oh my..I have seen pics of ND and Montana and all the snow they have gotten. It appears that we are past that now...YAY. I was getting tired of covering up my herbs that came back from last yr. So far not planted anything but I have seeds to throw in the ground....just gotta find the get up and go to do

The Feminine Energy said...

Oooooooh lordy!! Those snow spits are absolutely evil!!! Especially when they come in April!! ~Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, you go from the bulbs blooming to snow again!!!

Donna said...

Uggggghhhhhug....oh no...!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I find your landmass totally crazy - such strange weather all over and - where CM lives the forest fires are already underway.

Where I live, and I just looked it up for another reason - the coast line of our strip of islands are so near that one can live on the West coast and drive to the East coast on a day trip. Apparently the widest point is (have to look it up again, to get the miles for you gals) widest across 280miles and the narrowest across 0.6miles (or about 1km) which is actually in my region...

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