Friday, April 1, 2022

I'm no fool

 Happy April Fools day everyone. I hope that you  make it through the day without having any tricks played on you. If you don't, then make them be pleasant tricks.

To show that I'm no fool, I've got a clever and useful recycling project I did recently. I showed you the craft tote that I bought myself for my birthday. I have it partially filled and then decided it needed a little bit of organizing.

I buy this lunch meat at Walmart and have always saved the containers to use to send leftovers home with the kids if they were here for dinner.

Turns out they are the perfect size for my craft tote. I used several for different things and then labeled them using vinyl that I cut on my Cricut.

Four of them fit perfectly in one section of the tote with a little room left over to add other items.

There's already a lot of items in my tote but still room for plenty more.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You were so clever!!! I do NOT like April Fool's Day! Let us know if you had any tricks played on you.

Hootin Anni said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I use those for organizing and for tiny bits of left overs. they look so good in your bag. Mine have red lids though.. that bag is super great... there is one size of the lunch meat that is perfect for tea bags and chewing gum and mouth mints. they stack well and easy to get out.. the problem is mine are old, bob will not eat that lunch meat any more.. and I can't eat it,

Rose said...

That is a great idea...and I like your containers. Still.loving th as t tote.

Danielle L Zecher said...

That's a really good idea with the containers!

betty said...

Brilliant idea on how to repurpose those containers. We would keep them for the same reason that you did. For leftovers for the kids but I like your way better!. Very clever.

I hope I have no jokes played on me today lol. I probably will fall for them.


Beside a babbling brook... said...

I hate April Fool's Day!!!!!!

Cool idea you discovered!

And I'd rather be using plastic for this, than for food. I'm 'spooky' and don't like food in plastic.

🌸🌱🌺 Little Break 🌺🌱🌸

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m with you about having pranks. I love your idea of using the containers for your tote bag.

Sandee said...

We do the same thing here. Zane has lots of these in his workshop. Great minds.

Have a fabulous day off tomorrow, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Secondary Roads said...

Well done my creative friend.

Jeanette said...

That is a very organized looking tote! I save those plastic containers too. They come in so handy for a lot of things!

DeniseinVA said...

Very clever idea and I am always on board for recycling. Didn't go anywhere to be pranked, though I saw someone on my local neighborhood app where one lady had found a 'puppy' in the backyard and considered it a Godsend for her son who was in love with said puppy. People's responses were, that's a kit and she replied no, it's not a kitten. There were about 30 people telling her it wasn't a puppy, before someone twigged and asked if this was an April Fool's joke, and it was. Cute photograph she had found online of a fox kit. Happy April to you Anni and I liked what you did with those containers :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your ideas! And you're so organized now! Hugs!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a great idea and they look awesome. Way to go!

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