Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Sunday evening I looked out the back door and thought the sky looked rather pretty so I snapped a quick picture.
Just a slight turn to my rights and what a magnificent difference there was.

In other news. The doctors office didn't call me back until 1:00 Monday afternoon. Of course I didn't hear the phone and didn't see the voicemail until it was too late. The message they left said all the blood work looked ok. Call if you have any questions. Um, yeah, I have questions. I went in because I was concerned about the chest pain thing. So now what? I called them Tuesday afternoon and as I'm writing this I'm still waiting to hear back on what I do next.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The sky is gorgeous in pink and blue! Well, it seems they should do more tests, or SOMETHING to get to the bottom of this and diagnose you. If he doesn't know what to do, he should send you to someone who does.

DeniseinVA said...

I am glad you are persisting with these medical people, they gave you half an answer which is not satisfactory at all.. The sky is gorgeous!

Donna said...

Well, yes! Keep calling. Tell them what YOU want done! They Have to comply...Here in Texas, you no longer have to beg your primary doctor for a referral. That was huge. I took myself off to a cardiologist to have my heart checked out.
Try not to worry...just don't stop calling.

Lori said...

Gorgeous sunset pictures!! You looked out the window at just the right time. Health care is a bit frustrating now everywhere. Stay on them. Maybe time to see a cardiologist instead of PCP. Take care!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that second view is spectacular and right from your own yard. Wow! I don't agree with the others about going to a cardiogist, if the PCP thought you need one they would send you. I do agree to keep calling to find out what they think you should do. chest pain can be anything from gallbladder, ribs, the list is to long to type besides i can't remember them. I have been for chest pain and none of the 2 times I went was it heart related. i do agree they need to tell you what test to find out.

Pam said...

HAHA...the problem with that is that the nurse did not see you for the chest pain, and when they call they call just to tell you the results, which don't tell you crap!! BUT on the flip side of that is, the doc looked at those and told the nurse what to say!! Its lack of sharing info....and it is a pain the rear. Sky is BEAUTIUL.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful sunset! I hate when doctors offices are so vague! You really have to keep on them!

Rose said...

Beautiful captures! As always, hurry up and wait...I had to make calls nd one if them I had to jump through hoops just to get to.where I was put on hold!

Sandee said...

Beautiful sunsets. Wow.

I saw all those donuts you got done this morning of Facebook. That's a lot of donuts.

Yikes on the doctor thing. Sometimes the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Liz Hinds said...

Beautiful sky! Good to know the tests were okay but do keep nagging if in pain.

HappyK said...

Amazing sky!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Both those pictures are beautiful, but the first one touches me the most. Fingers crossed with the doctor. 🤞

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The sky is beautiful.
Glad you blood work looks good.
I say you definitely need to see a cardiologist. If it happens again go to the ER.

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