Sunday, March 10, 2024

Random stuff

 Since today is the day that we spring ahead and I can't handle losing an hour sleep when I already get up so early on Sundays, I took a vacation day today. So far my 3 day weekend has been very lazy. It's cold here again and we're supposed to get snow so it's a nice weekend to hibernate.

Yesterday I got an email from Chewy and it made me laugh.

I told you about the hearing appointment I had that got cancelled and rescheduled. Well I ended up scheduling an appointment somewhere else and I went last Friday. I went to Petruso hearing and audiology. It's about 30 miles away but so is just about any other option.

Anyway, the Dr. I saw was so amazing. Friendly and helpful. My hearing is still about the same as it was when I got the first hearing aids. She told me that I still qualify for the OVR program which is what I went through before to get hearing aids free. She told me that she thinks they have simplified the process and the income requirement has increased. She asked if I was interested in going through that again but told me if I preferred she was more than willing to take $6,000 from me to pay for them outright. She gave me all the paperwork to get things started then asked me if I wanted a loaner pair of hearing aids until I could get approved. They are low end ones but the do the job. She also gave me a box of batteries as these are not rechargeable and said hopefully that would last me. I don't always make the best choices but this time I think I really picked a good one.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm glad it turned out so well! So did you buy a new one, and when will you get it? Does it have to be adjusted by the audiologist when they get it?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Ha ha so glad you got one so that you can hear it’s important to be able to hear and I do wish I could get Goff to get one. I did not know you could get free ones. We have Medicare and we can’t get free ones we get a discount but not free it would be 2000 not 6000. Hope you’re working well enjoy the rest of your weekend

Rose said...

I hope you li kn e what you chose! And that they li ast a long time.

Lori said...

So smart to have taken a three-day weekend. This time change is brutal for us that have to get up so early. I'm dreading tomorrow morning. Glad you found a doctor you like and that they've been so helpful. Makes life so much easier. Enjoy your Sunday!!

Pam said...

I paid up front for my chiro care but I think it is crazy that a lot of docs are doing that now. If you have more than one doc that could get really bad having to pay for all that mess.

Liz Hinds said...

I need a hearing test again. last time I just scraped by without the need for aids but it's definitely getting worse. And you're right: they're so expensive privately. Glad your experience was good.

Donna said...

Glad you like your audiologist! $6000??? Omggg...

Jeanette said...

That's ridiculously expensive for hearing aids! Glad you have another option and glad you liked the audiologist! That makes a big difference.

Grace said...

Hmmm - I know nothing about hearing aids but I thought I read that now they are being sold OTC at much less money...I think that's an insane amount of money but I have no reference point. Not being able to hear properly must drive you crazy - or OTOH be rather peaceful.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like you had a great appointment. Hopefully the paperwork isn't too bad and you will be able to get the new ones soon. Nice that they had something you could use in the meantime.

HappyK said...

The vacation day was a good idea.
Glad you found a friendly and helpful new doctor.
Very windy here today and the snow is blowing all around. Winter has returned here.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you took the day off and that you found an audiologist you like. That's so important.

Debbie Nolan said...

Sounds like you found someone who can really help you. Hearing aids can be such a challenge. Take care.

DeniseinVA said...

Yikes on the price!!! Glad you picked a good one! Lovely you had a three day weekend too. She sounded great and so important as speaking for myself I am a bag of nerves getting this kind of thing done. I went to a doctor the other day and he was amazing, even cracked a joke or two to relieve the stress. I could have hugged the man when I left but didn't think that appropriate, lol!

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