Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Thanks to Sandra

 She recently posted about making a video with pictures from your google photos. I gave it a try. 

Apparently it's not working for me though. It's showing up as an image and not a video. Darn

While we're on the subject of Gibbs I have to tell you about how he amuses me when he's not annoying me. He's really quite intelligent and yet he can do the stupidest things.

I let him out in the back yard on his lead and he walks around the picnic table that is out there. When I call him to come in he can't get to the door because he's wrapped around the table. If I tell him go around the other way he actually does it and can easily come in without me having to go out and untangle him.

We were in the kitchen one day and I was making coffee. He apparently thought I was ready to go back downstairs to the Ann cave as he headed for the basement door. I said out loud, "I need to pee". He turned right around and went up the stairs to the bathroom.

Enjoy your Gibbs fix for the day


Ginny Hartzler said...

It DOES work for you! First, you chose wonderful that make me smile and laugh. And TWO of them ARE videos!! I love how he wags his cute stubby tail!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it works perfectly, it is a slide show of what ever you put there and you put 2 videos and they show as videos. I watched it twice and if enlarged the photos are perfect and so are the videos. you can change the music, there are tons to choose from. pole around. its a great way to show photos.
Yay for Sandra, OOPS I mean yay for Ann ha ha... this is too funny, Beau does the same things, he also knows what I have to pee first means. if we talk to them they understand.. I do a LOT of talking which means he has a good vocabulary.. love this post

MadSnapper n Beau said...

PS I will be trying the video up load thing. woo hoo on more play time. I did not try the video

Barwitzki said...

You are a good team.
Hug from me.

Rose said...

He is just so darn cute! And smart, too.

Lori said...

Such a sweet video of Gibbs. He is so adorable. I know exactly what you mean about being so smart but doing dumb things. Binx is the same way. He amazes me at how smart he is but then he'll get himself in a situation and I think what an idiot. lol
Have a great day!!

Jeanette said...

That is such a cute video! Gibbs is pretty smart!

Sandee said...

He's adorable and he's smart too. Thanks for the wonderful Gibbs fix.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

DeniseinVA said...

Sandra has pointed me in the right direction for a lot of things. She's great at finding them. You did a wonderful job with this video. So cute!

CheerfulMonk said...

That turned out great! Gibbs reminds me of Tempi, extremely smart but needs mental stimulation or else she causes trouble.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The video is cute. This made me laugh, he is really smart. Love how he went around the tree and ran up to the bathroom.

HappyK said...

He sure is cute. Great collection of pictures.

The Happy Whisk said...

lol on the pup!

The Happy Whisk said...

lol on the pup!

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