Friday, March 1, 2024

In like a lamb or a lion

I'm writing this post in advance and going off the weather report it looks like the last day of February is going to be sandwiched in between two nice days. The first day of March is supposed to be in the 50's so I would consider that coming in like a lamb.
Here are a few Bing AI images I did for this occasion.

I think of all of these the second one is my favorite. Some of the others I would have liked more if AI didn't have such a habit of not spelling things correctly. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

These are awesome. Especially the style, like the fancy art of books in the fifties. Today is the first meteorological day of spring!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love #2 best of all and the rest are hard to choose from. I am to the place now I enjoy what AI does to the words, makes it fun.. these are all adorable... bet Presley would love them, maybe on a card. we had to turn on the AC last night for 1/2 hour to cool the house down. turned it off and that takes us through the night. we are 67 going to 80's which is our normal March temps. don't know about the wind yet, waiting for our daylight and we shall see.

DeniseinVA said...

Love all of these and the second one is great! I have had a chuckle with some of the misspelled words. I guess they will get that sorted out, soon I hope. Enjoy your nice weather. It was a lovely day here also, nice to get out.

Rose said...

I had not noticed the words...was just looking at the image as a whole. The last os my favorite but hard to choose.

Donna said...

They're all precious...Partial to the last one.

Lori said...

They are cute. It's raining here now and the high is supposed to be in the 40's then all next week in the 60's.

CheerfulMonk said...

I, too, especially like the second one. ❤️

HappyK said...

They are all pretty cute.

Connie said...

We had beauitful sunshine, but when you went outside it was cold and windy. I decided to stay in and enjoy the sunshine through the windows, LOL.

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy March!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are all cute. We came in like a lion.

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