Thursday, March 28, 2024

The cost of air

 When I posted a few days ago about my less than stellar start to my birthday, Pam left the following comment.

Hoping you had a great bday other than the issues you mentioned. My car tells me I have low air pressure in a tire, but don't tell me which tire. That becomes a pain in the rear. Plus, the fact that most places went up on the price of air....which is crazy. We pay for bottle water and we pay for

My car does the same. It will tell me low tire pressure but not which tire is low. That means when I go, I have to fill all 4 tires. She mentions that the price of air has gone up. A while back it used to cost a quarter to use the air pumps but then they went back to it being free. I'm thankful that I don't have to pay for it. 

It got me to wondering how many other places charge for air. Do they charge for air where you live?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gas stations charge now, but there are some places where you can get air free. You just have to look around.

CheerfulMonk said...

I think they charge around here, but we have a gadget that will start our car when the battery dies and also puts air into tires. I haven't used it myself, but it's come in handy more than once. It's expensive but invaluable when Andy's up in the mountains.

Terra said...

Most gas stations charge a small amount for air, and a few give you air for tires for free. I bought a small machine which you plug into your car or use electricity and which pumps air into your tires, very handy to have. I keep the machine/air pump in my car trunk and once used it in a parking lot when I saw a tire was flat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have no free air here, and the cost is 2.00 and it barely runs long enough for an old person to put air in 4 tires.nothing is free in Florida.

Rose said...

I am not sure around here...roger got an air compressircforvhis shop years ago and we use it.

Pam said...

There is one place here that don't charge....NOTHING....but before that I was paying, I think, if I remember it went from one buck to a 1.50. Its crazy. I have a small pump that hooks up to the lighter and I can pump my tires like that takes a long time to pump if its really low and it takes even longer if I have to do all four. Course the biggest issue is not knowing which tire!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So we have American Tire here in California. When my light goes on you just go there, pull up to there little set up and they check all your tires for nothing and put air in if needed. They do this so you will come back and buy tires when you need them and that's what we do.

Lori said...

My husband takes our car to the local tire company that checks all tires and fills if necessary for free.

Connie said...

I'm on the same page a Lori, I go to the tire dealer. Even if your car doesn't have their tires, they are happy to help, do all the work and it's free. Good customer service brings you back when you're ready to buy tires :)

The Happy Whisk said...

I picture grandpas of the past, sitting on benches, feeding the birds and saying, "One day they'll charge us for air." To with the other grandpa answers, "Yeah, and water too!"

HappyK said...

Some charge, some free. We have our own air compressor so put our own air in. The tire pressure gage on my Jeep tells me the pressor of each tire.

DeniseinVA said...

In our area everyone charges for air. It is $1.50 cents but we can pay by credit card.

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