Friday, April 5, 2024

Bottom of the barrel.

 I'm running on empty. I've got no blog material. I've got no energy. I've got no oomph. And to top it all off the temperatures have dropped again and rain/snow is in the forecast.  I want spring in the worst way.

I dug into some old files and found these two pictures. At least they make me think of warmer days.

Some of you had asked what we do around here for fire and police departments. For police we have to rely on the state police. The nearest barracks is about 8 miles away. The closest fire department is in the next town over which is under 2 miles away from my house.

For groceries and prescriptions you can go to one of the larger neighboring towns. Each one is anywhere from 10-15 miles.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The flowers are beautiful. No wonder you have no energy! You have been under so much stress that you are likely drained both physically and emotionally. You asked about the drawing on the chalkboard tag in my post. I drew it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

stress steals oomph and causes our tanks to be empty. the weather added to the stress of the last 2 weeks is the thief and no way to fix that right now. I just read an article on stress before I came here, in my locals news paper.
it said stress effects every part of our bodies and minds and they suggested, walking, exercise, deep breathing, visit a friend, get out of the house and meditation. I am still laughing... good luck with this solution I have provided you that was provided me by a doctor writing an article brahahahahahaha that is me laughing hysterically

Rose said...

I so love thst first photo...I sure know the no energy, no oomph feeling.

Donna said...

I'm sorry you're not up to snuff! But just think...While you are enjoying cool breezes this Summer...I'll be watching my yard burn up from the flippin' heat. I wish we lived a little farther north!
Love the photos!

Lori said...

We were in the 70's until Wednesday when the bottom fell out and the temps dropped again. I've been cold for three days. I never feel like doing much when it's cold and gloomy. Those are days for reading or movies. Hopefully the sun and warm temps will arrive soon and remind you that it is actually Spring. Have a great day!!!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hope spring comes for you soon. Flowers are pretty.

Lin said...

Oh, Ann...I'm sorry for all of these stresses that have been put upon you. These are unnerving as there are no obvious solutions at this point.

I hope that you can find that you can get the health insurance. Have you thought about supplementing your income with a bakery business of your own? Is there a local church that has a kitchen where you could bake? You are so good at this...and maybe you could inquire about some of the baking equipment (mixer, pans, etc) that the new owner may want to It's just a thought.

I pray the answers come soon that you may rest your mind and worry. I'm very sorry you have all of this going on.

HappyK said...

Things have to look up for you soon. :)

CheerfulMonk said...

I thought I had commented this morning, but apparently not. Please try to pamper yourself a little while you figure out what you need to do. You're dealing with a big blow. ❤️

Jeanette said...

We had a scattering of snow yesterday morning. Today is sunny but not very warm! I want Spring really bad, too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think that is very sad how far away those things are from you. At least the fire department isn't too far away. The fact that you have to go 10-15 miles away for groceries and prescriptions is also sad. I will definitely be praying for you.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your weather too. I will post about the weather we hit driving to Montana. Where is Spring????

DeniseinVA said...

These things are taken for granted I know. You did well considering the title. It's 52 degrees right now, looking forward to it warming up and I hope it does the same for you. I read recently that we need more Vitamin D and in wintertime we tend to get brain fog for the lack of sunshine, and consequently Vitamin D. Probably more to it than that but I thought it was interesting. Those are very pretty flowers, they made me smile. Always love seeing flowers.

The Happy Whisk said...

Ohhhh, I love the flowers!

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