Monday, April 19, 2010

File folders aren't just for filing

We have a storage building where I work and occasionally I have to go over to get supplies. This building has tons of stuff in it and I would love to spend a day rooting around to see what I can find. One day when I was over there I saw a huge bin that was full of old files that had been shredded and a ton of used file folders. I immediately thought of a project I had seen a long time ago and wanted to try. I asked my boss if I could have some. He told me he didn't care but he wasn't digging them out for me. Hey, no problem, I was planning on going and getting them myself if he said yes anyway.
So here is what they turned in to.
Part of the folder is folded up creating a pocket for each of the inside sections. You can slide in a note pad, papers, pictures or whatever.
My battery went dead after I took the second picture and by the time it was recharged it wasn't too nice outside anymore so this last one was taken in really bad light in the house.

Between the containers, cardboard and now the folders that I've brought home I'm finding that my job is an excellent source of craft materials. And better yet, they're all free.


Sandee said...

How cool Ann. You just have an eye for things that you can do for your projects. Good for you. I love what you did here.

Have a terrific day and my best to my pal Duke. :)

Avo said...

That's nifty.
The kind of thing I expect to find in trendy restaurants as interesting alternatives for menu presentation.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Really nice job, Ann! That light in your heard is pretty bright!

Bossy Betty said...

What a great idea! I have lots of old folders I just can't throw out. Now I know what to do with them!

Lin said...

You are so creative!! I love what you did with those.

Erika said...

This looks great! I really like how you folded over the bottom to hold papers and the accordian style--terrific!!

BeadedTail said...

Very clever once again! I know I would have seen a pile of old file folders and never imagined making something as creative as you did. Fabulous!

Rick (Ratty) said...

These look good. They're much better than the boring file folders they started out as. Very nice.

VanillaSeven said...

Being able to create something from limited resource is a great achievement Ann :)

Anonymous said...

Wow talk about recycling - Really cool!

tahtimbo said...

That is just fantastic! You have such a creative mind. As I look around our house, I see a lot of resources you could use for your projects. I figure we could kill two birds with one stone, if you clean our house, you can have a whole stash of stuff and I get a clean house :)
Well, it was worth a shot, so please don't sic Duke on me.

allotments4you said...

free is my favourite word...and recycle...I think it's great you are making such wonderful things out of what someone else would just dump...there is always so much that can be done with something when one person has had enough of it!!

The Urban Cowboy said...

That's pretty neat. You wont see me making stuff like that...only because I am not very crafty, but shuut if I wouldn't buy something like that! Very cool.

J. M. P. said...

I'm amazed at your creativity. These colors blend very well and the prints are especially beautiful. You make me want to create crafty things too!

Unknown said...

Okay, I may have to start curtailing my visits here. For that project was looking pretty cool to me until the manly man side of me woke up from his nap and screamed, "WHAT?"

Grampy said...

Ann you are very ingenious. I knew you were a great crafter. Now a resourceful one as well. Nothing better than free craft supplies.
Have a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

OOOoh, can't wait to see what you do with all those new supplies. ;-)

Reeni said...

These are so neat! I wish I was as crafty as you!

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [20 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Buggys said...

Well if that isn't pretty darn clever and really great looking.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Wow, Ann, those are so creative. I really like them. I wish I could create as well as you.

Kathy said...

So tell me, how does it feel to be able to see something plain and get such a wonderful idea out of it? I'm so jealous. I don't have a creative bone in my body.

I love what you did!

Tammy said...

You are so creative. What a great idea.

vickie said...

yep, yep, don't you just love folders ... and FREE! Cool organizer :)

Marg said...

That is terrific that you found such good resources for your craft ideas. You are just so clever. I have a big desire to be clever.
Please have a wonderful day.

Audrey said...

Where do you come up with these ideas? That is really lovely! My imagination is pretty much non-existent.

Ann said...

Sandee thanks, I was in that building again today and saw something that got my mind thinking and I had to tell myself to

Alesa that would make a cool menu wouldn't it.

ldh sometimes it burns out

bossy betty well there you go, now you can get going on the new filing

Lin why thanks so much

Nico designs thanks, I wish I could take credit for the idea but I saw it somewhere else

beaded tail like I told Nico, wish I could take the

ratty yes they certainly are. and thanks

vanilla seven I agree it's more rewarding than making something with materials you go out and buy I think

Grace, thanks, I seem to be on a recycling kick lately

tahtimbo Ya know, if you've got good enough stuff there I just might take you up on that

allotments4you free and recycle are wonderful words. I'm amazed at some of the things people come up with for recycling

urban cowboy awww come on you don't want to come over and do crafts with me?

fullet well go for it, I bet you could come up with something really great.

fishhawk if I promise to post something non crafty tomorrow will you promise to keep coming back every day? Just tell that manly man to go back to sleep and stop on by

grampy it all stems from being too cheap to go out and spend money. Although I do splurge now and then

dkmiller I can't wait either, haven't got many ideas at the moment

cinnamon girl and I wish I could cook like you :)

graft crave why thanks so much

buggys I was thinking these would make good gifts come the end of the year

poetic shutterbug you do, but with words. you have a way with them.

kathy well considering I took someone elses idea I'm not quite sure but I like making the stuff

b boys mom thanks,

vickie yes free is something I just can't pass up

marg I just wish my cleverness hung out more often.

audrey I saw this on a website a long time ago and I wish I knew what the name of it was because they had tons of projects like this.

Ann said...

Man-over-board. I did actually ask before I took them just to be on the safe side. I even took this in to show the boss why I wanted them and he told me there's a whole bunch more over I've been around a while and they kind of like me. :)

jude8753 said...

Sorry, I'm just catching up with my favorite blogs today and I always like looking at all the interesting crafty things you come up with, lots of talent Ann, take care...Jude

Ann said...

Jude, best part of a blog is that even if you don't get the post the day it goes up it's still there to enjoy when you have the time. I'm always glad to see you drop by.

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