Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Buying dreams

Buying dreams is what Wade calls it when he purchases lottery tickets. Seeing as how we never win, those millions are nothing more than that, a dream.
Still twice a week he buys two powerball tickets and we keep hoping. Occasionally I buy a couple of the instant tickets and my luck is no better there. I think the most I have ever won is $20.
Do you play the lottery? Have you ever won?


Lin said...

I don't play much, but Joe used to. We never won much, if anything, but like Wade--he was buying a dream. :) It's nice to dream sometimes, isn't it??

Sandee said...

We don't play the lottery. Just never think about it. You are right though most never win. You never know though you just might win the big one. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

It looks like Wade and yourself don't have a "gambling" problem.:) I do buy a ticket for Win for Life and one for the Mega Millions now and again. Hey...I believe if it is your time to win then one ticket is all you need to buy!:-D)

Donna said...

We'll pick up a ticket or two a year for Powerball, but only if it's over $100 million. LOL, you have a better chance to get hit with lightning!

jeanlivingsimple said...

I forgot...Thanks for listing a link to my Bird Cakes recipe. Hugs!
Hope y'all win the big one.:)

Sharkbytes said...

Nope- I don't do that!

Bossy Betty said...

I don't play but I can't resist picking up a used one to double check it. I love this picture!

Leontien said...

We only bought tickets one time.... and no we didn't win.

My brother likes to give tickets to mom and dad on their birthday. we never win anything though.


BeadedTail said...

I always forget to buy lottery tickets but when I do, I don't win anything. My grandma won $15,000 from a scratch ticket once but she's always been the luckiest one of the family.

Helen said...

It was a long time ago when PA lottery sold the supper 7. I bought $1 and I hit 2 numbers and the other 5 numbers were missed by one. My numbers were either bigger by 1 or lower by 1. That was the closest I got. I bought a few more times just in case. But I never hit any number so I stopped.

Catherine said...

Sure, I figure the cost of a cup of coffee is worth a lotto ticket...I sometimes forget to buy a ticket...that is probably when I would have won...Well, Good luck..and many blessings, Catherine

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, I have NEVER bought a lottery ticket... Just can't make myself do it. My hubby keeps saying that we can't win if we don't play... ha ha .... I am just not a gambler...Oh Well... Hope you all win someday.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah a dollar and a dream! I play Power Ball twice a week and Mega Millions only when the jackpot gets big - like right now. Never buy the scratch tickets; never play any of the other lottery games - It's kinda like a habit I suppose, been doing it for quite a while - a few bucks a week - spare change really and I've never won more than a few dollars...But I've seen people drop $50 or more the various lottery games - that is so crazy. I wonder if they ever win more than they invest.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We have never palyed the lottery, but my mom used to love to. It was her dream, and she was always talking about what she would do with the money if she won. I think it kind of kept her going, she worked two full time jobs till she was 64.

booahboo said...

I try to buy "dreams" too on some festive periods.. but my "dreams" never came through. But... i am still hopeful like you do too :)

allotments4you said...

I bought a lottery ticket at christmas but that was my first and I wasn't made a winner. My Hubby is in a syndicate at work and even with all those different people they have never won big!!

ratieh said...

i don't play the lottery.

in Indonesia, it is illegal, and it banned here. =D

Duni said...

Hi Ann!

I only ever buy one on my birthday. Over here we don't have such high stakes. The most I won was Euro 200,-
Good luck!

Unknown said...

Back when our Heavenly Father first started making Himself real to me, I was convinced that He had given me a series of winning lottery numbers. Evidently, I was listening to the wrong voice...again.

Russ aka Grampy said...

We buy scratch tickets every once in awhile. No winners. Unless you count the two dollar ones.

Catherine said...

I must admit ~ hubby and I sometimes buy lottery tickets as well. I love the 'dreaming' part when you buy a ticket... 'what would I do with all that money?"
Of course, the let down after you read the winning numbers the next day is always a bummer. But it's fun to dream and have hope for awhile!

Hubby won $2000 once. The most I ever won was $50.

Oh well...

Happy Thursday Ann!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we don't play lottery or power ball or any of the things that cost money. good luck and remember me if you win. what will you buy Duke when you get all that money

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

It was interesting to read all the comments about purchasing lottery tickets ... we don't buy them ... but if you should happen to win - I'll volunteer to be your new best friend!

DSS said...

The boyfriend plays once or twice a week. His thought is "somebody's got to win. if i don't play, that somebody will never be me". And although I see his reasoning, I've never played. Well, he's bought me a ticket or two...but I haven't.

Louis, on the other hand, plays regularly. He is quite fond of buying dreams :)

Donna said...

Scratchoffs...1000.00 (2-500.00)
years ago.....nothing since!

Miawa said...

Once in a blue moon I even think of it, I won $100 once and that's it.

Doris Sturm said...

I rarely buy a ticket and no, I never won, but it just takes one to win...good luck! My late grandmother in Germany played the weekly lotto game. She just got one ticket and picked her own numbers and then was glued to the TV as the balls dropped...
If you like movies and have never seen "Raising Ned Devine" then I highly recommend this one to you - it's a hoot (and it's all about the lottery!)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Marg said...

No I don't play the lottery. I know I probably won't win and then I will not have that money any more. I often think about it though. Gosh just think if we did win. I would sure share. Would you??

Ann said...

I hope you'll all forgive me if I make just one comment to all of you. It's been one heck of a long day and I just don't have the energy to respond individually. Thanks for all your comments, it means so much to me coming home and seeing all of you had stopped by

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