Thursday, March 31, 2011


Can you believe we've gotten snow again? Last night after dinner I looked out the window and saw it coming down. I took a few pictures just before 7:00 PM

 I guess we got our April Fools joke a couple days early.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gads, more snow? But what wonderful pictures you got, they could be on the front of greeting cards. It would be hard to pick my favorite, but I love the second one with the beautiful scenery and the little yellow lights twinkling in the houses.

Cindy Caudle said...

We had ours over the weekend. It didn't stay though. My mom told an old wives tale about spring. She said that it is said, "If we have a late Easter, spring will be late". Hope not.

Sandee said...

I won't tell you that it's 80+ degrees here and that we have the air conditioner on. I just won't tell you that.

Have a terrific day and stay warm. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

And I won't tell you that it's suppose to be 90 here tomorrow and rainy... Not a good thing because of possible rough weather... Tornados. I'm not nuts about hot days and cold nights.
Hope you get a break soon!!!

Ann said...

Ginny, yes can you believe it.

cindy well I guess we are in trouble then aren't we, that is if we follow old wives tales :)

sandee ok thanks for not telling

donna I so appreciate my blog pals keeping their warm temperatures a secret from me...rofl

Sharkbytes said...

Beautiful pix. WOW- we missed that one, and I'm not complaining. It's time to put the snowshoes away!

Lin said...

The hell???!

When is it going to end???? WHEN????!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Such beautiful pictures!

BeadedTail said...

Oh wow! That's incredible! We finally had sunny blue skies today and it was just gorgeous. At least Duke likes the snow!

Anonymous said...

Ohh - lovely photos - we got rain. Yay for rain; Boo for snow

tahtimbo said...

Terrific photos!
I guess I shouldn't say that for the past few days we are finally in the upper 60's :)
Stay warm.

Jen said...

Well I can say it looks absolutely beautiful, but I'm betting you are good and tired of the white stuff by now. If it makes you feel any better, we got two days of heavy rains out of the last system :oP

Unknown said...

We got another half inch or so a couple of days ago. Methinks you have been a very bad influence upon our weather.

Erika said...

I cannot believe this crazy weather!

And thanks for all of your wonderful comments, Ann. I really appreciate your feedback.

Catherine said...

Oh you poor girl! Will it never end? There are predictions of snow for this weekend ~ but hopefully not like the dump you received!

Keep warm Ann!
xo Catherine

Russ aka Grampy said...

Well it looks like you got more snow than us. We got a dusting of wet stuff.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH NO! not again! you poor spring starved person. so March came in like a lion and out like a lion, maybe spring will spring today and it will all go away.

Miawa said...

I think "old man winter" must have a crush on you, he just won't go away!

Lynn said...

Awww, I'm sorry, but you can live vicariously through my veggie garden and The Natural Gardner's photos on my site.

Surely this is your last snow before Spring.

Tanyia said...

omg, when will this craziness end? grrr!

Out on the prairie said...

I have hoped not to see it here anymore, but you never know. I have to fly out west tonight so like to have a clean sky.

Marg said...

Oh nooos. That is horrible Ann. Not the pictures. They are gorgeous. I would be a screaming crazy woman if it snowed here. Duke probably likes it though. Hope it goes away really soon. Take care.

Philippa said...

That weather really is getting beyond a joke... you have my sympathy - it must be SO depressing.

Tammy said...

It's beautiful but I don't want to be there.

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, my - we MUST trade houses one winter...I'd love to have so much snow till I get sick of's been a long time!

It sure looks lovely. I will be thinking of you as I have my first harvest of leaf lettuce for a salad ;-) (I know I'm bad!)

Ann said...

sharkbytes glad it didn't get you too

lin that's what I say

tucker yeah but the snow

beaded tail just when i thought we were done

grace I would prefer sunny skies :)

tahtimbo well glad someone is getting nice weather

jen you would win that bet

fishhawk ME? I would never be a bad influence :)

erika me either

catherine oh I hope you don't get it too

russ at least it was just a dusting

sandra spring starved is exactly what I am

miawa well I wish he would knock it

lynn thanks for letting me traipse through your garden and enjoy your nice weather :)

tanyia I sure hope so

out on the prairie hope you had good weather for it

marg it sure is

philippa thank you and yes it is a bit of a downer

tammy it's always easier to see other people's snow

doris OK, when do we

allotments4you said...

Oh Ann...I feel so terrible grumbling about the wind when you are having to put up with snow again...surely spring can't be that far away!!

Ann said...

allotments4you, ah, no problem. I'm sure that spring has to be coming soon, I just hope our summer isn't as cold as our spring

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