Friday, March 4, 2011

What's that?

Hey Mom, what's that you got there?

Why it's a bag of  chili cheese flavored Frito corn chips Duke. I must say they are quite delicious.
(Duke sniffing softly) I would like to try some of those yummies too.

Now before any of you start yelling at me for teasing poor little Duke with my snack I have blurry proof that I did share.

 It's the best I could do. It's not easy getting a picture of Duke when he's going for the munchies


Donna said...

That's supersonic light speed, LOL!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Thanks for coming to my blog... Please come back anytime... My hubby and I are retired and we love to hike and collect waterfalls, sunsets, etc... I also love my backyard BIRDS... We also grow beautiful flowers including ROSES... SO--come back often..

I am enjoying your blog very much... You are quite a talented woman.. Love your Mug Rugs... Cute!!!!!!

Duke is a cutie also... Looks as if he is 'in charge'... Right???? ha


Alain said...

Duke is very adventurous eating chili cheese. I hope he liked it!

BeadedTail said...

We're glad Duke got to share in the goodies this time! He moves very fast!

Catherine said...

Oh oh... Fritos breath... ;)
xo Catherine

Ginny Hartzler said...

You must have taken that picture one handed, and have reflexes the speed of lightening!!! Can Duke eat very many without getting sick?

the booker man said...

miss ann,

from the bottomest of all of us doggies' hearts, we pile the thankies on you for sharin' your chili cheese fritos with duke! it's a well known factoid that we doggies loooooove chips! heehee.

the booker man

allotments4you said...

So what was Dukes verdict on the Chilli snack?? My cat hates anything remotely hot..and won't touch garlic either!!

Ann said...

Donna, when food is involved he always moves that fast

Betsy you're very welcome, I enjoyed the visit. Glad you stopped by here and hope to see more of you. I always enjoy seeing new faces along with the familiar ones. Yes Duke is the one in charge around

Alan he's always up for a good adventure :)

Beaded believe me he often gets to share in the

catherine, oh yeah :)

Ginny, yep one handed and not very steady either. Duke only had a few, so I don't know how many it would take for him to get sick but I know he can handle less than a handful.

booker you are very welcome and i was aware of the factoid because Duke informed me of it early on and reminds me of it often :)

allotments4you verdict is he likes them. The only thing he doesn't seem to like any more is dog

Unknown said...

Did he give it back to you later on--only in a regurgitated form? That's what our well-mannered pups often do when we try to give them goodies like that.

Marg said...

Oh good Duke, I am so glad we didn't have to yell at your Mom. Glad she gave you some. Our Mom wants to know if those are really good since she thinks she needs to get some. Hope you have a super week end.

Donna said...

Uhhhhh....I don't know about using that shot as Proof Girlie!!Hahahaaa....You may need to go in for Another one!
Happy weekend!

livintheblues said...

like Duke I think munchies rock..:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

actually i love the blurred snack loving duke, he is beautiful even blurred.

Russ aka Grampy said...

Way to go Duke. You showed everyone how fast you can move.Hope you enjoyed your snack.I know mom did.

Tanyia said...

Yummy, Duke can come visit us, I will share my goodies, too! :)

Duni said...

From the way Duke is gobbling them up they must be yummy! Never tried them myself, though.

Anonymous said...

Duke knows what's good :-)

Miawa said...

Why he's so photogenic even a blurry pic is good (LOL), I love those chips too with a coca cola of course.

Daisy said...

Mmmm, chips are delicious!

Ann said...

fishhawk no duke usually chooses other methods of recycling

marg I think they are excellent

donna this one was tough enough to get. It's not easy shooting a moving target one

livintheblues absolutely

sandra yes he sure is

russ we both enjoyed :)

tanyia duke wants to know what kind of goodies :)

duni he sure did enjoy them but he would have preferred that I just hand over the bag

the old geezer he sure does

miawa oh yeah, gotta have a coca cola with them

diasy they are yummy but we try not to eat too many since they are not so good for the waistline lol

Lin said...

Aren't those too spicy, Duke??? Don't eat too many because they will give you bad dog breath!

Ann said...

Lin, probably yes, that is why he got a very small sample :)

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