Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hooray, March is here. We're getting closer to spring all the time. Pretend for just a second that you see a picture of a lamb above. Yes that is supposed to be a lamb. I've never claimed to be an artist. We didn't have terrific weather today, it wasn't real warm, but the sun was shining, there was no rain or snow so I would say that March came in like a lamb.
How did spring arrive in your neck of the woods?


Tanyia said...

Yea... ummm, I am still waiting for it to arrive, thanks! :P

Rick (Ratty) said...

I recognized the lamb right away. Well done! March means we have less than a month until spring arrives, and even though it is still cold I'm seeing the signs of slightly warmer days here already.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What is this picture? Did you make it, and the lamb?? Of course I can see it's a lamb, it is adorable!!! March came in like a lamb here today, so I guess it will leave like a lion.

Donna said...

Our weather came in like a lamb too! Yesterday was awful with rain, but it moved on out of here. I am always glad to see the month of March!!!

Unknown said...

Like your sheep .... what's March doing in your district? Remember the old saying 'If March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb!'

It has come in like a lamb here - though it has turned decidedly colder once more and they are threatening snow - hope they're wrong - I do not want any more snow!!!!

BeadedTail said...

Yay it's March! Mine came in the same as every other day lately, with lots of tax returns to do but now it's that much closer to April!

Anonymous said...

So cute!

booahboo said...

A lamb it is.. surely a lovely lamb.. hehehehehe awfully cute actually :D

Jen said...

He's cuuuuute! Spring is, I'm deliriously happy to report, HERE. Boo-yeah! :o)

Unknown said...

Funny, none of your other comments mentioned anything about March going out like a lion...

Catherine said...

it was a windchill of -41 yesterday ~ I think March was a Lion out our way! :(

Happy March Ann!
xo Catherine

Russ aka Grampy said...

I think that was a great picture of a lamb. And as for March 1st it came in rainy. As long as it wasn't snow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks like your little lampkin could not decide if he wanted to be a black sheep or a white sheep. he/she is adorable. March came in like a lamb here, so i guess that means it will leave like a lion.

Reeni said...

Cute! Spring is nowhere in sight here!

Duni said...

Oh, what a sweet little lamb!
Can't say spring is here, BUT a sliver of sunshine today which is a start :)

Out on the prairie said...

Ours wasn't too baaaaaad. It was 50, but today it only has gotten up to 14.

Bossy Betty said...

Of course it's a lamb! And a cute one too!

Tammy said...

We came into March too like a lamb. Now we get to go out like a lion. Is that how it goes?

livintheblues said...

It hasn't yet.. he says staring at the snow...

allotments4you said...

Cold and wet.. :-(

I love your pic...I actually thought you had taken a photo of something or copied and pasted a pic...so in my eyes you are a true artist!!

Marg said...

That looks just like a lamb. It is such a cute picture. I love it. March came in just like a cute little lamb. Glad you are getting some sunshine. Have a terrific evening.

Ann said...

Tanyia, well spring isn't here either but March is :)\

Ratty thanks, hooray for spring being right around the corner. We've seen a little sun but not many other signs

ginny just a little digital creation I threw together...lol

donna we had a lot of rain for the end of february too

kloggers still cold but not as snowy thankfully

beaded tail, hang in there not much longer now,

grace, thanks

anny just a little playing around...lol

jen I'm still holding my breath waiting...lol

fishhawk shhh don't mention the lion, maybe he won't come

catherine oh wow, that's a nasty wind chill

russ we had our rain the day before

sandra nope he wasn't sure which one he wanted to be :)

reeni I'm looking forward to seeing little sprouts some day

duni a sliver of sunshine at least is a little hope

out on the prairie lol, we have the same kind of up and down temps here\

bossy betty thanks

tammy oh I hope not, I've had enough of the lion

livintheblues sniff, I feel your pain :)

allotments4you boo for cold, I was just playing around with my photoshop and came up with him

marg thanks, glad you had some lamb like weather too

Sharkbytes said...

Obviously a lamb- no problem!

Miawa said...

Hot days (love it) and cool breezy nights. Got to love Florida!

Ann said...

sharkbytes :)

miawa sounds like my kind of weather

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