Saturday, May 23, 2020


I'm pretty sure that the majority of the day will be spent just chillin out and doing a whole lot of nothing. My work schedule is a bit crazy for next week and I can use all the down time I can get.
Sunday I work from 5-4
Monday, my regular day off I'll be working from 6-? whenever I finish
Wednesday 6-4
Thursday 6-2
Friday 6-2
I haven't started it yet and I'm already tired just thinking about it.

This will be a good time to take every opportunity to stop and smell the flowers.

Oh and if you don't hear from me in the next week, I'll be napping on the couch.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Gorgeous pictures, are they all from your yard? That is brutally early hours!!

Ella said...

That part with "doing a whole lot of nothing" I love it!
Sometimes I also like a bit of messing around and doing nothing …
The flowers are beautiful! Wishing you a nice weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

That purple iris is stunning. What perfect composition. Doing a whole lofts nothing on your 'down time' sounds good to me. After your grueling hours, chilling out makes a whole lotta sense.

Hootin Anni said...

Auto correct is at it again ... lofts is lotta

Laurel Wood said...

What a tough work schedule. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures and I wish you a restful day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the photos.. they make me think i have stopped taking artisitc photos, i am just snapping with phone and posting. you will be exhausted with this schedule.. hang in there, hugs and love coming your way

Grace said...

10+ hour work days? No wonder you are dead on your feet. (especially since you spend your work day ON your feet. Oh that real vacation is going to feel so good, would that it comes sooner than later but...)

Lin said...

Yikes! That is some schedule! I hope you get to relax a bit and catch up on your sleep.

Pam said...

I think I would freak out with a schedule like that...being somewhat retired/somewhat working I like my down time. Enjoy your down time.

Rose said...

I am tired just reading your schedule! Sleep and rest when you can!

Rose said...

Oh, yes, the flowers are gorgeous!

Ann said...

Ginny, the second and third are from my yard but the first is in my next door neighbors

Ella I do a whole lot of nothing quite

Anni I have few flowers in my yard to take pictures of but the iris are always willing subjects.

Grace, yeah that's what I thought too. I'm not getting any younger and these long days are kicking my butt.

Lin maybe next

Pam I just wish I had more energy during my down time so I could get things accomplished around here.

CheerfulMonk said...

Beautiful flowers, and rest all you can. That schedule is brutal and you won't be able to keep it up forever. Your boss is being very short sighted. If, as you say, he can't find more people to hire, he needs to take care of the loyal employees he already has. Does he work as hard as you do? Does everyone else? What will he do if/when you get sick?

Please take care!

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh what gorgeous pictures, Ann! Thank you for sharing them with us. Lordy day, girl... that schedule does sound simply AWFUL. I admire you for being able to do it, in the first place. I don't think I could. Of course, we do what we have to do, don't we. I hope those days go faster than you ever thought possible and that you're not too awfully tired after each one. Sending prayers your way... love too, Andrea xoxo

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

crazy times both your work hours and regular life...interesting that there's not enough staff. Here, your boss would be rifling through a 100 applicants, so many people have lost their job since C/19 struck.
It's been reported that the airline pilots who lost their jobs are now working as bus/train drivers! And the main grocery stores that remained open, never had a shortage of applicants for even the night-fill jobs...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds exhausting! Rest up as much as you can. We are not going anywhere and will always be here for your posts when you have time.

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