Thursday, May 28, 2020

Well that's a fine how do you do

I was off yesterday and I had planned on making more masks. I had a couple cut out and ready to sew. I turned on the machine, place the fabric down and hit the start button. It kept sewing backwards.

I pulled out the manual that came with it and went to the troubleshooting guide.

I was not pleased with what I read.

If you read the one for the fabric feeds in the opposite direction you will see that the problem is that the feed mechanism is damaged. The solution is contact your dealer or the nearest authorized service center. I have no idea how the feed mechanism could have been damaged. I honestly don't even use it all that much and the last few times I have used it there wasn't any problems at all. I have another sewing machine. It's a 38 year old Singer that my aunt bought for me. I haven't used that in years and it will be a pain having to use it where it sits instead of being able to take it to the kitchen table but I suppose if I really want to sew more masks that's what I'll have to do.


CheerfulMonk said...

Good Lord! I'm so sorry about that. You already have enough to deal with. :(

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, you knew right where to get your hands on the manual! Good grief, of all things, it messed up in the worst way possible. And in a Pandemic. And when making masks to save lives. Go figure. I am glad you have another!!

Laurel Wood said...

I'm sorry. I cannot imagine how the mechanism got damaged. So frustrating that the other machine is less convenient to reach.

Ella said...

I also can't imagine how it can happen if you collect a thing well and in order and put it in place and when you want to use it again it is broken! I always say that Bluebeard's ghost came and deliberately ruined him! Right?
I'm sorry that I can't help!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMW! that is so frustrating. A. you could move to the other side B. you could learn to sew backwards C. you could slap me for suggesting this.

Hootin Anni said...

This makes me think of a sewing machine/fabric shop commercial...Their last words are It's sew easy.

Hmmmm, in your case, not so much.

Gayle said...

Aside from the possibility that Gibbs was making masks in the night, or the reverse button being engaged is their a lever for the feeds?
My newer Singer stays in reverse until released but my old one did not. Oh to have the old Montgomery Ward machine again, sigh.

Grace said...

Maybe just treat it like a computer - disconnect everything, shut it off, then re-boot!

Jeanette said...

It's amazing how things can just damage themselves while sitting dormant! How frustrating! I'm about to set up my moms portable Singer sewing machine and attempt a few masks myself. Keeping my fingers crossed. A few years ago when I tried it after it sat in a closet for 25 years. It sewed like a dream so hopefully nothing happened to it since then.

Rose said...

I have heard of machines doing that...but have never had it happen to me. and I hope I never do. That would be so frustrating.

Sandee said...

It's always something isn't it. Yes it is.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Kate said...

That's interesting and a pain in the arse!

The Feminine Energy said...

Sewing machine frustrations.... almost as bad as car frustrations, if you ask me. I have two sewing machines here: one was my Mom's, which I haven't ever touched... and a portable machine my Mom bought for me, used, about 40 years ago. I'm guessing it's at least 45 years old. I had it cleaned & oiled a couple years ago but it's NEVER sewn right for me, so I just gave up. :-/ I've thought about buying a new cheap-o machine but just never have done it. I had one on my Amazon wish list for Christmas know how THAT is! Hope you can get your machine figured out yourself, kiddo. Love, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm sorry. Hope you can work it out soon.

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, thanks

Ginny Yep, I have pulled the manual out several times since getting the machine so I didn't have to search

LaurelWood, you and me both

Ella, It's a mystery

Anni, LOL, you are right, not sew easy for me

Gayle, there is a place to lower the feeds but that's not the problem. I even checked to see if the reverse was pushed in too far.

Grace, tried it, no luck

Sandee, yep, if it isn't one thing it's another :)

Andrea this is a newer electronic machine and if you ask me the electronic ones aren't build to last like the good old fashioned ones.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...


here's hoping that someone has come to your rescue and helped you out...


maybe it's not something you truly have to continue, i.e. masks


rather make some cute decorative doo-dahs for you.

BeadedTail said...

Oh no! That's not good! I don't suppose you can make them all backwards? LOL! I scrolled down and saw your masks. The ear thingys are a brilliant idea because those elastic ones are painful!

Duni said...

Oh no! This is my worst nightmare.
Hope you can get it the dealer soon.

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