Tuesday, May 19, 2020


It used to be when I went to the bank on Thursday I would drive right up and be out of there in a couple minutes. The last few weeks there have been cars in both lanes with more lining up behind me. Last Thursday I sat and waited 20 minutes before the truck in front of me finally pulled out. The week before it was an even longer wait.

Sunday was a crazy day at work. Sundays are now like my Wednesdays where I'm doing double duty. I'm not only the bakery person but I'm also running the front office and handeling anything else going on in the store. There were lots of calls to the office for various reasons. In addition to that I'm also backup for the deli if she needs help. We are scheduled very thin but it's only because we are so short on people. We've had people quit, people who won't work during the pandemic and people who have had to take off for a surgery. Forget about hiring anyone new because we just don't have the applications. I've already called the ones we got and had noone return my calls.

Any way I had a cake order to do.This is the first one I've done in a long time. Then about an hour and a half before my shift was over I had someone come in asking if I could do a cake that day. Like a sucker I said yes. I didn't bother taking a picture of that one.

When I got home from work I mowed the lawn. I had planned to do it Saturday but it was still very wet from all the rain we had. More rain was predicted for Monday so it had to be done. It takes me about an hour.

When I got that done I grabbed a quick shower and headed to my sons house to drop off some bottles to his fiance who has been painting bottles and selling them. I had done some cleaning out and was getting rid of some that I had plans for but never used. I figured since they've sat for several years the chance of me ever using them was slim. Best part of that was I got to see Presley.

After all that I was exhausted and ready to move into slug mode. I was going to stop at my daughters  too but still had another half hour to wait before she would be home. That'll have to be a visit for another day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a busy day, you must have been exhausted!! The cake is beautiful, such a pretty pastel. Sounds like you have too many different duties at work, but I guess right now everyone is like this.

Ella said...

Are you always so busy with your work? I will not be able to handle that! The cake must be delicious! Did mom also have 90 candles on the cake? LOL
That's why I don't want a grass in the garden ... you always have to mow and I don't like that!

Grace said...

You are so going to need a real vacation when things return to a more stable situation. Rest when you need to rest, rejuvenate whenever you can, and perhaps even when you can't but must! (I want to ask if there any any kids around who might might to earn a fast buck mowing the lawn but I know that's not a thing anymore!)

Rose said...

I am tired just thinking about all this! You should have divided the bottles on half so you would have had an excuse to stop by...lol

Hootin Anni said...

I certainly don't envy your work schedule & double duties! I had to laugh (sorry) about your bank...our bank has six lanes plus a commercial lane & the lines go out in the three lane street. Probably a good 1/2 hour wait time on a good day.

Stay safe, rest when you can, & hug Presley for me next time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now i am wondering why the back up at the bank drive through. we don't even have drive through at our bank. we have a drive through ATM and walk up ATM and can go inside the bank by appointment. now i am thinking maybe that is why the back up, people can't go inside. I am 100 percent online and the only time i go to the bank ATM is if someone gives me a check or i get a rebate ck and once a year my 401k check, i depost those in the ATM...
i am exhausted following you through your day and can't imagine wearing all those job hats at work... plus putting up with customers who are all suffereing through pandemicitis

Jeanette said...

Busy day and pretty cake!

Sandee said...

All the banks are backed up at the drive through. The ATM machines too. It's the way of things.

Wow your Sundays are busy. Way to busy.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Gayle said...

Beyond the virus your health is important. Hard as it is; pace yourself for your own good.
My daughter is experiencing the same at their grocery store. She has a back issue from a childhood injury but like you say, currently can't keep employees. And she is just over customer unsolicited opinions and attitude. She's wondering what happened to be kind and we are in this together.

Laurel Wood said...

We have a long wait at our bank drive-thru too. It's frustrating. The cake you show is just beautiful. Your work makes a lot of people happy. I'm sorry your load is so hectic right now.

Lin said...

Things are opening up...people are back driving and running errands. We've noticed the increased traffic everywhere and lines at all drive-throughs. And the cake...again, proof that people are back to living life and getting together with others.

I am not sure I am ready for this, but it is happening virus or not.

Ann said...

Ginny, it does wear me out. I can't keep that pace up like I used to.

Ella, I'm always busy but right now even more so. I'm doing double duty because of other people being off. Not sure if they put 90 candles on that cake or not.

Grace, you are so right. Sandy beaches and cold drinks sounds good to me. Funny you should ask about kids wanting to mow. I cashed out a guy who is around my sons age. He mentioned he saw me mowing on Sunday and asked if I ever thought about hiring someone to do it. I think he wants to make a couple extra bucks.

Anni, I guess I should be grateful I live in a small town with short lines at the bank....lol

Sandee, I sat there the one day while the cars at the head of the lines sent the canister through 4 or 5 times before they were done. Not sure what all they were doing but I was feeling very impatient...lol

Gayle, I try the best I can but I'm just contantly running. Most people at our store are nice with just the very few unreasonable customers.

Lin around here people have pretty much just gotten fed up. No one here has the virus and so many people just want to get back to work

CheerfulMonk said...

That's upsetting that no one wants a job there. I worry about your health. Please take care.

Marg said...

Wow, I am exhausted just hearing all those things you are doing. Yikes. No rest for the weary. Hope this week is a little better for you. Take care.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have been busy! Interesting point about the cake. No one has been having parties. Your cake turned out great. It sounds crazy at work, like you're being pulled in all different directions. Way to go on cutting the lawn. Hooray on seeing Presley.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

such a difficult predicament to be in...but so this time of the world...sadly people some (small %) of people just can't help themselves in the "unkindness stakes"! And they are the ones that come home in our thoughts at the end of the day...
We love you...kind regards from New Zealand...

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