Saturday, May 30, 2020

Mini meltdown

I think I was overdue for one so I treated myself. Long work days, high temperatures and anything else I can throw in there finally took it's toll. Thursday I got home from work and I had just had enough so I sat down and had myself a little cry. Felt better but Friday I went to work and was too tired. I finished my work as fast as I could and left work an hour and fifteen minutes early. The weather was much cooler and it was raining so it was perfect for laying on the couch and taking a nap.

Naps and crying aren't always bad things.

Gibbs says that snacks help too.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The Gibbs pics are adorable! The last one is my favorite. I think you did just the right thing by leaving, crying and napping. Napping is always a good thing, being tired always makes things worse. And crying can be good too.

Ella said...

I'm sorry you have to cry by the fatigue!
Hope you feel better this weekend!
Gibbs is so cute! Does he only stay at home when you have to work?

crafty cat corner said...

With all that's going on here with Tom and my arthritis I very often get to the end and have a good cry. Once its out you will feel better Anne. I think you' ve been a brick to carry on like you have. Get it all out and you can carry on.

Hootin Anni said...

A good cry helps! You've been tugged at both ends far too long.

Rose said...

Gibbs also helps! And yes a good cry sometimes does help. Sometimes just talking helps...

Gayle said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

naps and crying are a release valve for women that when the going gets tough, we melt down then come back swinging. tell Gibbs his face is tooooo cute for words....

Pam said...

You are right, a good cry and a long nap are sometimes what the soul needs. Now....if it becomes a habit we need to talk!!1

Jeanette said...

Look at that sweet boy! Crying is good for you! I can always tell when I need a good cry!

Sandee said...

Big hug, Ann. ♥

Grace said...

No point to keeping emotions locked in - a good cry is cleansing, then a nap and then - ready to keep on keeping on.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Crying relieves pressure! Tears are healing and God bottles them all. Naps are great. I usually take one every day. This whole isolation thing has made me feel weary. Your job has been taxing on you, yet great that you still have it. God's blessings on you dear Ann. Gibbs is such a sweet companion. Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

Laurel Wood said...

Sweet photos of Gibbs. I hope leaving work early and being able to rest and cry did help. I've done a lot of both over the past few months. xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are often needed and do help. Always love seeing Gibbs. ((Hugs))

Ann said...

Ginny, thanks. I dug for old pictures of him so I had something to put in the post

Ella, it's ok, it didn't last long and I felt better afterwards. Yes, Gibbs does stay home alone when I go to work.

Briony some days you just gotta let go

Anni, yep and I don't see it ending any time soon.

Pam, agree. I thankfully never let it become a habit

Sandee, thanks

Grace, you are so right. keeping it in only makes me more stressed out.

CheerfulMonk said...

Crying is healthy because it gets those stress hormones out of the body. But I think leaving early was just as important. I hope you can work something out with your boss so you can get a bit of relief rather that soldiering on until you get sick. Big pushes are all right if they're temporary, but in your situation it looks as if this is the more normal for a while. How is your boss holding up? What happens if he gets sick? Good luck in coming up with a sustainable schedule for you all.

Lin said...

I saw this on something the other day and it is my new mantra: It's okay not to be okay. And it is! Everyone is losing their sh*t every now again in this madness and it is absolutely okay to feel what you are feeling. I think I wrote about this on my blog??? I dunno...I can't remember, but it certainly resonates.

The other day, there was a screaming/yelling match at the neighbor's house. The daughter snapped, took off down the street without her phone. The cops came, twice. Not sure if she came home on her own or if she is still out there....but I understand completely.

It's okay not to be okay.

In the meantime, sending you some hugs, dear friend.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

gentle hugs from afar...

Duni said...

Coming home to Gibbs sweet face makes up for the lousy day, doesn't it!

CrystalChick said...

Naps and crying go together and I've had them too. And I never turned down a snack either.
Sending you a ((HUG))
Gibbs!! So precious! Thank you for sharing him.

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