Friday, May 3, 2024

Be quiet I'm trying to watch tv

That's what I thought when I first looked at this picture of Gibbs. He's looking off in the direction of the tv and definitely trying to ignore me. I can't recall what was on tv at the time but he sure looks like he's interested in the show.

There's a good chance that he was watching an old black and white rerun of Perry Mason.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Perhaps the crook had a cute dog...

Katerinas Blog said...

Very interesting, don't interrupt him.
Have a nice day!

MadSnapper said...

so cute, love the profile shot. Have not seen Perry M in years. Used to watch it. we just finished all 9 seasons of Seinfeld and now need something to watch. I want something funny, any ideas? these were 30 minutes and we used them after we finish our movie each night because its to early to go to bed

Rose said...

Delta sure loved TV...did not like shooting ir a woman stressed her. Loved babies. Wiukdcrun up close to tv with tail wagging.

Lori said...

Gibbs is the cutest!! He looks very interested in whatever he was watching. Happy Friday.

Donna said...

He's such a sweet boy with wonderfully discerning taste! lol

CheerfulMonk said...

Sweet picture!

DeniseinVA said...

He sure does! I love this picture :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a cute story. He is definitely interested with what was on TV.

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