Friday, May 10, 2024

Out in the yard.

 I rarely go on the one side of my house. There's just no reason to. The one day I was out in the yard and for whatever reason I wandered over that way. It was a pleasant surprise to see something pretty growing.

I know there are grape hyacinth in there and I always thought the white ones were lily of the valley. I could be wrong and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I tried to verify their identity with my phone but kept getting bluebells as a description and I know that's not right.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They do look like bluebells, but are white!! I have never seen a plant like this, they are gorgeous and adorable! I will try and find out.

DeniseinVA said...

I believe you have their correct ID Ann, and a beautiful display at that. Very pretty!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I Googled pictures of this, and the ones that look exactly like it is called White Bluebells. It even had the same leaves.

DeniseinVA said...

I think I may have misspoke. Are they like the white ones at this website? Spanish Bluebells maybe?

DeniseinVA said...

I see Ginny came up with something too.

Katerinas Blog said...

Nice surprise in the backyard!
Beautifully the little flowers look like bluebells but they are even more beautiful white!

Donna said...

Whatever they are, they're beautiful!
I have one side of our house I rarely/never go to...maybe I should! lolol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

google says they are Hyacinthoides Hispanica 'White'
Spanish Bluebell, ''
I never really care about what flowers are, I just love them and it doesn't matter if they are weeds or flowers. I know you are glad you walked around there, you almost missed them. since you don't walk there, why not pick a few an put in a vase

Grace said...

Not lily-of-the-valley. Easiest way to know if they are is to sniff them. Lily-of-the-valley have a strong scent. Pretty whatever they are...

Rose said...

Whatever they are, they are beautiful!

Lori said...

Very pretty flowers. I'm glad you didn't miss seeing them. I'd cut a small bunch and take inside.

Jeanette said...

According to my phone app they are Spanish bluebells. Pretty whatever they are!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the grape ones. Though this year, I can't smell anything. Boooo. Not sure what the white ones are.

Lin said...

What an awesome surprise! Lily of the Valley have broad leaves, but it looks like everyone else has positively identified them for you. I love how nature can make your day with something so simple and lovely.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They did look like Lily of the Valley to me but I guess I'm wrong. I recently heard that Lily of the Valley are very fragrant. However, I think they are usually very tiny and close to the ground.

The Happy Whisk said...

I might be in spam again.

Liz Hinds said...

There is a flower that is similar to lily of the valley but taller and generally more showy. But I don't know what it's called so I'm not much use!

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