Sunday, August 25, 2024

A few more of the fancy lettering pages.

 A quick post with just a few more of the pages I did with the fancy lettering.


MadSnapper said...

looking good, now that you have given me permission to make mistakes I will remember this each time I make senior mistakes, which are MANY

Rose said...

Believe me when I say I make mistakes! These are beautiful.. and i love all three sayings.


The fancy lettering pages are looking fantastic! It’s always amazing to see how creative designs can bring new life to your projects. Thanks for sharing your artistic work!

Read my new blog post: Thank you.

The Happy Whisk said...

Mistakes are sometimes wonderful for sure. Have a groovy week.

My Mind's Eye said...

My friends husband is going thru some difficult health issues.
Recently he rec'd a wee bit of good news, Janice said they were celebrate the small victories.. I think blogging helps me learn new things ....preparing it and READING all the wonderful blogs friends post.
YOU are a baker OMDs Yeast and I agreed years ago we were not gonna be BFFs. BUT oh do I love bakery products.
My claim to fame is my Southern Corn bread...
Hugs Cecilia

Lori said...

I love them all!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love them! They are true words for sure.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Good GRIEF! It looks so incredibly detailed and hard!!!!

HappyK said...

Great words of wisdom beautifully written out.

CheerfulMonk said...

I especially like the last one. ❤️

DeniseinVA said...

Three very wise sayings! You must have a very steady hand, and these are very pretty.

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