Sunday, August 11, 2024

A few steps back

 I never did post about how I spent the last day of my 4 day weekend. After filling the other three days with plenty of fun things, I decided that the last day should be just hanging out at home and chilling out.

Like all good days off it started with sleeping in a bit and then coffee and blog reading.

I thought it would be a good day to do some craft projects as well.

First was a shirt for work. I had purchased a t-shirt quite some time ago with intentions of doing this but being the procrastinator I am, it never got done. Until that day. The logo I put on it is actually a copyrighted logo and technically I really shouldn't have used it. I am wearing it to a Shurfine store though, so there is that.

I also made a card to send to Presley. I thought I would thank her for going shopping with me.

Last I made a fall window cling. This is done on privacy film and looks really cool with the light coming through it.

I also finished up the August happy mail cards. Those will be another post. It was a fun way to spend the last day. I wish I had more days where I got motivated to do craft projects.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The window cling is beautiful and has a rainbow iridescence. Is Sure Fine the name of your store?

Rose said...

You get a lot done when you are motivated! I love the pumpkin....and I bet Presley loves her card.

Lori said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your four-day weekend. I'm on day four of mine and didn't get half of what I wanted done and am already dreading tomorrow and the next two horrific days at work. I did receive my happy mail yesterday and love it. Thank you!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so glad you took that vacation. ❤️

Donna said...

I Love mine! Got it in the mail on my birthday!! Thank you Miss Ann!
Love all your drawings, too!

Jeanette said...

Just hopping on to say I got your card and thank you so much! iI love it! Also, that window cling is pretty cool!

DeniseinVA said...

Sounds like a great kick-back day. Your shirt is a pretty color and a great logo. The card you made was pretty too and while we’re talking about cards, the one you sent me is great! Thank you so much! I know Presley will love hers. I didn’t know you could do that on privacy film, what a clever idea and more pretties!

HappyK said...

You got a lot done just hanging out at home. :)

Connie said...

You are creative in so many ways, seems like there is never a dull moment around you. Cake decorating, card making, paper crafts, painting and now that window cling and it's so pretty.

The Happy Whisk said...

Pumpkin for the window is very cool.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a good day off. Those items are all great. Way to go!

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