Monday, August 12, 2024

Because Ginny asked.

Back when I posted the picture of part of my house after rearranging the furniture Ginny from Let Your Light Shine asked about the shelves on the small wall that divides the three areas.

This is what she was asking about.

This was a solid wall at one time but I had asked my first husband (for those who don't know I've been married twice and Wade was my second husband) if he could cut into the wall and build a small shelf unit in the wall. Surprisingly this was one project I asked him to do that he actually got around to. The black square on the wall is my antenna for the tv. Normally I would put it in the window but that's not possible when the tv is where it's at right now. 

Any way, back to the shelves. This holds my very old and very dusty bird collection. I would say that most of these were purchased in the 80's. Some were gifts and some were ones that I bought myself.

I've thought about getting rid of the birds and putting something else here but could never decide what I wanted. I had thought about making it a seasonal shelving unit and changing things out with the seasons. I've also considered filling it with small photos of family. Yet another project that I just never get around to doing. The first thing I should do though, is take all that stuff out of there and dust really well. It's a mess.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for showing it! I think a lot of us have things that would be really interesting to post, but we just never think of it because we are so used to them! No wonder you don't change it, the birds are so cute and just right for the shelves! I think my favorite is the owl. Maybe for winter you could use snowmen and spring rabbits. There is so much you could do. Wish I had something like this.

DeniseinVA said...

I'm glad Ginny asked about it. You have a very nice bird collection. The changing things around for the season is a nice idea.

Rose said...

Thise are some great birds...I live that little blue one especially.

Sandee said...

Very nice way to have a place for your birds. I love it.

Have a fabulous day off, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

The Happy Whisk said...

I like the seasonal shelf idea. So fun!

Barwitzki said...

I imagine that when you take everything out you put something new in it :-))) Then I'm excited to see what you do.
Many greetings to you.
I wish you a wonderful week.

HappyK said...

What a clever idea to build the shelf right in the wall. You have a nice collection.

CheerfulMonk said...

They’re nice!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Your bird collection is so lovely. When our youngest was visiting she helped me organize my Precious Moments. We washed each and every piece and dried them. Everytime I walk by now I see how she put them in different groupings. I gave her several for herself and more for the baby. He was such a beautiful distraction. I sure miss them.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think it looks great the way it is. What a lovely collection. I have a collection of salt and pepper shakers. I like how your is built into the wall. I bought something at crate and barrel years ago that works for me.

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