Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm versatile

According to Fledgling Blogger I'm worthy of the versatile blogger award. I thank him very much for passing this on to me and I apologize for taking over 2 weeks to post it. (I may be versatile but I'm not very good at keeping up with these things)

The Rules:
* Be sure to thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
* Share 7 things about yourself.
* Pass the award to other bloggers who you think deserves it.
* Be sure to let  the bloggers know you chose them to receive the award.

Now I'll turn things over to Duke and he can tell you the 7 things about me. Take it away Duke
1) Mom says that one of the things that she's always been afraid of was being totally broke.
2) She has a weakness for craft supplies which is controlled only by her fear of being totally broke :)
3) When she was 2 1/2 years old she stepped on hot charcoals on a beach and got really bad burns. She was in the hospital, had plastic surgery and wore casts for a while. Her mom always told her that doctors said she would never walk right but she walks just fine.
4) She spent 9 years working for a telemarketing company. The first 10 months she was on the phones and then she had management positions. Please don't hate her for that though, she was only trying to pay the bills :)
5) She once quit smoking for a year and a half but then quit quitting and started smoking again. Silly mom. (yes it's a bad habit, yest she should quit, she knows that)
6) She knows lots of really bad words. She even says them out loud sometimes.
7) Outside of work she doesn't really have friends that she hangs out with except for one that she goes to craft shows with. It's all good though because she has dad, me and all her blog buddies. Plus she knows how to entertain and amuse herself.

So there you have it, 7 things you never wanted to know about me.
I'm cheating and not passing it on to anyone in particular. If you don't have this award, or haven't gotten it in a while I'm passing it on to you.


♥ Sallie said...


Catherine said...

That's an extra special cute photo of Duke!

Congratulations on your award! And I must say, I have a little bit of the craft supply weakness as well. :)

Hope you are having a lovely Saturday Ann!
xo Catherine

Reeni said...

That is such a cute picture of yourself Duke! Thanks for sharing all those things about your Mom! I'm glad she can walk ok after what happened - and let her know I have the same fear - of being broke!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Seven tattles from a fluffy, photoshopped Duke. Hmmm... are those facts phtotshopped too? Craft shows and shops are awesome!

tahtimbo said...

That's a great picture, Duke. You are looking as handsome as ever.
I also did telemarketing (the Rainbow cleaner..."it's like a waterfall in your own home." It's amazing I even remember that.

Sheri said...

Thanks Duke for passing that information along to us. You need to work on the smoking thing though. Now go to her purse, grab the cigarettes and bury them.

BTW...great photo of you! Love the effects.

BeadedTail said...

Duke, you are looking extra cute today! Thanks for telling us 7 things about your mom. Our mommy likes beads a lot so has a tendency to get too many. We're glad your mom healed up from those bad burns too.

Sandee said...

The Fledgling Blogger is correct in passing this award along to you. I like him too. I miss him too. Congratulations.

Duke did a fine job here. I had no doubt that he would. He such a great little guy.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke for all his hard work, and the fact that he's cute as all get out. :)

Anonymous said...

First - Super photo of Duke

And my, my don't all the ladies have penchant for colorful language!

Russ said...

Great Award. Of course that picture of Duke is adorable. My wife has a friend that has such colorful words, she sometimes makes me blush.

Philippa said...

Ann, I share your fear of being broke. And I'm pleased to be one of your 'blog buddies'.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very interesting 7 things to know. I never feared being broke because I was raised that way, we were always broke, daddy fed us by planting the food we ate. then i got married and was broke, totally broke for 19 years, got divorced and was broke. married again at age 40 and spent the first 5 years broke, now i am not and enjoy life retired. not broke but now worried about it either. that was a lot about nothing, sorry.
loved your post and that photos is specail.

Audrey said...

Every time you show a photo of Duke after the hair cut - I think you have a different dog! :)
LOVE the photo!
Isn't it amazing how well a dog knows his owner?

Marg said...

Congrats on your award. What a great picture of Duke.
I have quit smoking at least 39 times. It is really hard to quit and so much fun to do it.
Stepping on hot coals doesn't sound like fun. Guess it wasn't
Have a great week end.

Out on the prairie said...

Deep info, but it was fun to read.Went to one craft sale that was 3 gyms at a huge school.I would wager 600 vendors.

Unknown said...

Wow, if you had of had Duke working the phones for you back then, there's no telling how much "stuff" you could have sold to people like me. I mean, I would have probably even ordered a couple of them pant-suit waffle irons!

gayle said...

Congrats on the award!
Loved the picture of Duke!
I really enjoyed reading your list!! It's great learning more about you!! Thanks for sharing!

livintheblues said...

Thanks to the Dukester for the info on Mom..:).. and If I am ever in Earshot Of Duke I will have to hide the smokes and definitely watch my language....:).. PS my weakness is Best Buy ..they have neat stuff...:)))))))))))))))))))))

Donna said...

great shot of Duke! Love learning more neat things about you Ann!
Hope you made it to work on time!!

Daisy said...

Duke, that is a great photo of you! Thanks for sharing stuff about your mom.

Ann Martin said...

Aww, so nice to learn more about your mom, Duke. She's one terrific person and an awesome bloggy friend.

J. M. P. said...

Thank you, Duke, for your report. Tell mom that I smoke too, and I know I should quit too.
And many thank yous for passing the award!

Ann said...

Sallie, :)

Catherine that craft weakness is a killer. I could seriously put myself into the poor house with

Reeni glad I'm not alone. And I really don't know why I've always been like that

sharkbytes nope don't believe we photoshopped any of the facts :)

tahtimbo if I tried I could probably recite one of my pitches without my The company I worked for did credit cards

Sheri ah yes that is a bad habit that I really need to give up

beaded tail I'm always buying stuff that I don't need but think I'll be able to use

sandee I miss him too.

Grace lol well my colorful language is at least confined to being used only around certain people

Russ. maybe your wife's friend could teach me a few new I'm not really that bad but there are times, usually when I'm mad

Philippa I'm glad you're one of my blog buddies too.

Sandra I didn't grow up poor but after moving out I had too many years of worrying where the money was going to come from to pay the bills.

Audrey he does look like a different dog with his hair cut.

Marg I agree it is hard and you really have to want to quit to succeed. No the hot coals were not fun at all :)

out on the prairie Wow, that sounds like my kind of sale.

Fishhawk a pant suit waffle iron huh. I'm gonna see if I have one around here and if I do Duke will be giving you a

Gayle it was rather hard to come up with 7 things to tell

livintheblues oh best buy is a good one too. Duke is used to the smokes and bad words he doesn't mind as long as you throw him a treat now and then :)

Donna yep made it on time.

daisy thanks

Ann and there's so much more I could tell too :) We think you're pretty awesome too and have a great name :)

Josep quitting is just so hard. You are most welcome

Lin said...

Wow, Duke had nice things to say about you, Ann! I'm not sure what Hobbes would say--maybe that I kiss him too much or that I'm mean and trim his nails or something like that.

I love that photo of Duke! Such a snappy fellow with that haircut!

I'm glad I am not the only cusser here. ;)

As for the friends, most of mine are the people I have met through my kids' interests. The best by far are the band parents--they are a great bunch. I'm not sure how you meet people if you don't have that connection. I don't want to hang out with family or the people from work.

Ann said...

Lin I'm sure Hobbes would only have nice things to say.
I can only imagine the conversations we could have with our colorful

allotments4you said...

Hey Ann...I'm totally up there with you on number 5. I love the fact that I have a little more insight into the person that you are.

And what a fantastic shot of Duke...surely that one should be framed!!!

Ann said...

allotments4you, the worst part is I know I should quit but I also know how much weight I'll gain if I do. Isn't that silly of me.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Duke did a great job on this and it's nice to learn more about you. Hot coals? I have to say as well that I think you so truly deserve this award. You are so loyal with your blogger friends and you make it a pleasure to visit each day. Congrats!

Ann said...

poetic shutterbug, why thanks, what a nice thing to say. You guys make blogging worth the effort. Yes hot coals :)

June Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

Hey Ann! I'm very sorry to be so late in getting back here. I've been battling so hard with certain issues with my life. The good thing is that I'm doing better every single day and life is going back to normal.

I really thank you for the friendship! Much appreciated! :D

P.S. Duke's photo just made my day! Super cute! I miss all of my blogging friends... :D

Ann said...

Junezach, so glad to see you back around again and to hear that your doing better.

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