Monday, November 22, 2010

Feeding the fish

What do you feed to a fish? That would depend on what kind of fish you are feeding. In this case I'm feeding a FishHawk and there is only one thing I can think of for that.

If none of that makes sense to you, let me explain. One of Duke's biggest fans is Jerry or better known as FishHawk. During Duke's long absence from the blog we received several comments requesting his presence from good old Fish. His last one requested a picture a day of Duke. I can't promise one every single day but I'm hoping that by posting this one today it will buy me some time.
I really need a day to devote to getting a bunch of posts together and scheduling them. I've been pulling these things out at the last minute for a couple of weeks now and it's getting pretty tough.


Sandee said...

Duke is an excellent subject for your posts. Just saying. He's a cutie pie and how can you not love him.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Sharkbytes said...

Duke looks as if he's being very patient with the whole process.

Reeni said...

I could deal with a picture a day! I am Duke's second biggest fan!

Julie Harward said...

I'm addicted too...what is it about this sweet face? Thanks for featuring him mom! You guys have a great Thanksgiving ;D

Marg said...

Duke that is one great picture of you. I know how you feel about getting a bunch of posts together all at once. I can't seem to get that done either.
Big hugs to Duke boy.
Take care and have a great Turkey week.

VanillaSeven said...

I believe Duke understands how you feel. Just look at his expression :)

Jackie said...

Well I love seeing Duke too. oh he is so so adorable. And, just look at that pose.

I wish Molli would co-operate like she use to do and let me get some good photos of her.

I know about the pulling it out of your hat and it is tiring. I have been posting like that since my return.

I am going to take a few days myself over the holidays to get some shots and work up some posts ahead of time.

Give Duke a big smooch for me. I hope you have great evening and a wonderful day tomorrow!!

Lin said...

While we love Duke, it is nice to hear stories of Ann as well. Sometimes, Duke needs some "off" time so that we fully appreciate him when he returns. :) (And that is an awfully cute photo of him!)

Unknown said...

Is it me or is Duke ready to take a doggy nap? His eyes look just a little tired .... and well, he's made me just yawn!

Anonymous said...

That is such a great photo - total perfection!

booahboo said...

Duke's face seem to say... "well.. its about time woman" hahahaha

i am Duke's fan too :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

You get a warm "chuckle" from me.:)

tahtimbo said...

It's the price of fame :) You know, you should have your own calendar.

J. M. P. said...

Hi Duke, so nice to see you! FishHawk did a very nice request.

Jen said...

Well now I think we're ALL up for a photo of Duke pretty much any time (It's that *cough* doggone cuteness factor, don'tcha know :o)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I do like the expression on Dukes face... a little 'Oh, bother' as Eeyore would say. But always the handsome pup that he is, getting a daily photo shouldn't be too hard.

Unknown said...

THANK YOU!!! Yes, this did buy you some time, but I've got a solar-powered clock with a lot of power reserved in batteries. So, unless the sun stops shining for several years, the clock will keep right on ticking away, and according to my calculations, I reckon you now have less than a day to post another picture of him. (Repeats will be acceptable.) Besides, from the other comments, it would seem that I am not the only one who can't get enough of Duke!

Daisy said...

Duke, you look very wise in this photo today. And your nose looks like patent leather!

Catherine said...

Sometimes it feels like our creative well has run dry, but not to worry, it will refill ~ we just need to find the time to get the creative juices flowing! And of course, photos of sweet Duke always does the heart good! :)
xo Catherine

Russ said...

Great picture of Duke. Only thing is I was expecting to see fishawk in his mouth.LOL That would be great for another post.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the world can never ever have enough dog photos. Duke is looking sooooo handsome in his perfect pose. I have trouble getting different poses because Baby sleeps all the time either in or out and Jake moves so fast (he is ADD) and runs out of he photo.

Donna said...

Lolol...we just all LOVE The Duke...He's beautiful Miz Ann...
Can't wait for more shots!

Joanne Olivieri said...

A Duke A Day is absolutely what we all want. I always schedule my posts way in advance because if I didn't nothing would ever get posted :D Duke is a hottie!!!

Erika said...

Duke is so beautiful, Ann. I bet you snuggle with him often!

Leeuna said...

A picture of Duke each day? Yayyy. I'd love that. We can never get too much Duke.

Tammy said...

I love seeing a picture of Duke. He puts a smile on my face.

BeadedTail said...

We wouldn't mind a picture of Duke a day since we love him too! But our mommy understands how hard it is to post every day too so she said we shouldn't be pushy. It's just that he's so darn cute!

Sadie, Angel & Isabella

Donna said...

What a great pose for him! I know what you mean about not being ablt to get ahead. Blogging (and the picture taking) takes up quite a bit of time!

Ann said...

Sandee he does make a good subject and there's no way you couldn't love him :)

sharkbytes yes he does doesn't he

reeni the problem is just getting a picture a day of him.

julie I guess he just has the look :)

Marg I was on a roll for a while with the posts and then they just sort of fizzled out

vanilla seven I have to agree, I loved the expression

shinade duke isn't always so cooperative, I have to catch him in the right mood

Lin well thank you so much.I just wish I had some stories to

kloggers he does look a bit tired there. Maybe the photo shoot was a bit much for him :)

Grace. for a change, the light was good and Duke was feeling cooperative. That doesn't happen all at the same time very often this time of year

Anny I thought it was more like "would you stop with the camera already"

Jean warm chuckles are good :)

tahtimbo hmm, sounds like a good idea. 12 months of Duke. I wonder what I would charge for it?

Josep Fishhawk always requests Duke :)

Jen yeah, the cuteness factor. If only I could have the cuteness he

LDH it does look like and Eeyore expression. A daily photo of Duke is much harder than you might think

Fishhawk YOUR WELCOME!!! But your SOL for

Daisy we shined the nose up special for the

catherine time is something I seem to be running very short of lately. I need to manage my time much better than what I do.

Russ oh I wish I would have thought of that, that would have been good

Sandra most of the Duke poses look pretty much the same. I don't get a whole lot of variety

Donna can't wait till I can get some more

poetic shutterbug I was scheduling for a while but then somehow I just lost

Erika as much as I can

Leeuna if only I could, I will do the best I can though

b boys mom he is good at doing that

beaded tail I appreciate your moms understanding. If only I had 3 Dukes it might be easier to get pictures

Donna not only getting the pictures but then sorting through them, editing them and getting them ready for the blog and then thinking of what to put with them. Yikes, I'm losing it

earthtoholly said...

I agree with FishHawk...Duke deserves all the airtime he can get! But I know what you mean about the last minute posting...that seems to be my MO...can't seem to plan ahead.

Gorgeous photo of Duke. I made Lucy look and told her this is the kind of behavior that renders an excellent photo! Good boy, Duke. :o)

Tanyia said...

Duke is such a handsome little doggie!

DSS said...

I swear...he gets more and more handsome every day!

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