Friday, November 26, 2010


How is everyone on this wonderful Black Friday? I'm happy to be done with the days work and ready to start my weekend.
I thought I would give you a little bit of a peak at our progress with the work around here.
The dining room before we ate Thanksgiving dinner. Wade got the second coat of paint on while I was cooking. You would think that it would have smelled horrible but it wasn't bad and once it dried you couldn't smell it at all. It dried really fast also.
 While Wade was painting and I was cooking, Duke took the time to visit with his human brother.
 After we ate, got everything cleaned up and finished visiting with Brad we tore out the carpet and started cleaning up the floor. Today while I was at work Wade was busy doing this.
 The lighting is bad in this picture, the floor might not be quite as dark as it looks here. We aren't completely done yet. We still need to replace the trim and the register. I believe that plant will be moving too. I really love the way it looks.
Again bad light but I just liked the way this picture came out. I left it just the way it was.


livintheblues said...

Looking good Anne...

Marg said...

Those are terrific pictures. I am so jealous that you took up your carpet and put in another floor. I would love to do that with mine. It looks terrific.
Good job everyone. Take care.

jeanlivingsimple said...

The room looks great! I wish I could install hardwood floors in my camper. I am so over carpet.

Carole Barkett said...

looks good I don't like carpet either

Sandee said...

Can't wait to see the "we're all done" photographs. It looks great and if I had it to do over again I wouldn't have carpet anywhere except the bedrooms. Keeping a 2300 SF house full of carpet clean is quite a chore.

It appears that Duke approves of these changes, so I'm guessing this will be embraced by everyone.

Have a terrific day. My very best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

It looks really good! Were those floors under the carpet? We have plywood under our carpet so I'm really jealous if you had wood floors under there!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

It is looking so nice! Great progress! You must be so excited!

Split Rock Ranch said...

It looks great! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy your weekend!

Lin said...

It does look great! your son pushing Duke's head out of the way to see the TV or something??? Poor, poor Duke!! Does your son know that Duke is a STAR here?!

Anonymous said...

Love the table and chairs and love the floors - the last photo is very nice just the way it is...

tahtimbo said...

It looks fantastic! It really makes quite a difference without the carpet, doesn't it?

Philippa said...

It's looking great, Ann.

Ann said...

livintheblues, thanks

Marg I can't tell you how long i've been wanting to do this, just wish we could afford to do more

jean thank you. i'm over carpet too :)

country mouse studio i used to love carpet but the love affair is over :)

sandee same here except I wouldn't even have carpet in the bedroom. Area rugs yes, carpet no.

beaded tail, I wish this was under the carpet, it was just the plywood under the carpet though

LDH very excited, it makes it look like a whole new room. I want to do more :)

split rock ranch thanks

Lin Brad was on his cell phone and Duke has a thing about getting right up in your face so I'm pretty sure he was pushing him out of his face. I don't think Brad ever reads my blog so he really doesn't know about Duke's star status.

Grace thanks, me too. now that we've got it this far I've decided that a couple things that used to be in that room are not going back.

tahtimbo it makes a huge difference. I can't believe how much nicer it looks. I'm starting to like my house all over

philippa thanks, I'm really happy with it.

Jen said...

What a great room! I love hardwood floors (and I SO wish we could afford to redo ours that way :o) Looks fabulous, and I see by that last shot that your supervisor was doing a spot check on your progress ;o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is a beautiful room, he did a fantastic job with the paint brush. i love the doors and the floor is going to be goregous. looks like Duke is approving the work done so far.

Jackie said...

An it is beautiful and you will truly love the floors. I was so thrilled to get mine in. I would be even happier if Walter could ever get the time to get my trim put in.

Wow, it just looks beautiful. I love the sliding door too. We have a huge built in china cabinet that I want torn out and replaced with nice french doors. and, of course, a new deck built to walk out onto through the doors.

Oh the floors are so easy to take care Anne. If Molli has an accident. I simply take a paper towel and a little cleaner with disinfectant and wipe it away.

I'll never go back to carpet. Your hubby did a great job. It's a lot of hard work!!

Good for's just wonderful!!
have a great day!
Hugs again,

Unknown said...

It all looks great, and I am quite sure that Duke is excited about having so much to place his mark on again.

Catherine said...

Your floors look wonderful ~ how exciting!
xo Catherine

gayle said...

I love your beautiful floors!!

Ann said...

jen I've been wanting to do this forever. We'll eventually do the whole house but can only afford to do a little at a time

sandra it is looking good and I can't believe what a difference it makes

shinade so far I'm very happy with it. After the first of the year we plan on doing the living room also. I'm never going back to carpet either

fishhawk I certainly hope duke doesn't mark this one. I don't know what wade would do to him if he did

catherine thanks, and I'm very excited

gayle thank you, I'm loving them.

earthtoholly said...

That's a nice room, ann, and on that third pic, I think I know what you mean. Great composition(?). Man and beast reflect...

Ann said...

Holly, thanks, it looks much better than it did before. The picture was just one of those that when I looked at it I just thought it was great

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