Sunday, November 14, 2010

Volant part one

I took quite a few pictures while my friend Debbie and I were at Volant yesterday so I'm going to break this down in to more than one post. I don't know exactly how long I'll stretch this out but since I don't have very many ideas at the moment I plan of  milking it for all it's worth.
So here was our first stop. I can't remember the name of it but shall we go inside?

This place was just loaded with wonderful treasures. They had a lot of Amish made furniture and I fell in love with so much of it. I saw a living room set up that I wanted to take home with me. But alas, the budget wouldn't allow for that. I wish I would have taken a picture of it. I didn't start snapping until we moved upstairs.

I thought that some of these might make good pictures for Christmas cards and may end up using them for that.
Tomorrow we'll take a look down Main Street.


Char said...

Oh the photos are beautiful! I hadn't thought of taking some of my own pictures and making cards, I think I may just do that, thanks for the great idea! :D

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very nice photos! What a cozy place all decked out for the holidays!

Sandee said...

I just love anything Christmas. I would have loved visiting this store.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

I enjoy stores like that and wish I could have gone with you!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Ah... Hubby would love it. He's the Christmas fan.

Julie Harward said...

I used to go to a craft boutique that looked just like the old barn look! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for posting these great looking photos :-)


livintheblues said...

Oh jeez you keep making it harder to Bah Humbug... :) great pics Ann

tahtimbo said...

Generally, I do not like shopping, but after seeing your photos, I could spend hours in that store. Wow, what a place!

Miawa said...

Ewwww! gorgeous place, you must have been in shopper withdrawal. I hope you got some great stuff. That's the kind of place you want to say, "one of everything please".

Kirsten said...

Great pictures! Looks like a great place to have fun and take in all of the eye candy! Thanks for sharing....

Anonymous said...

Ok, Grandma's christmas attic - what else you got? Main Street sounds good - Boogie on!

Lin said...

Ooooh, hog heaven!

Philippa said...

You're right about your pictures being brilliant for Christmas cards, Ann. I can feel some more quilled holly coming on ...

J. M. P. said...

I can't wait to see your Christmas cards with these nice pictures!

Jen said...

What a great place! I gotta say, though, that those ginormous jingle bells look like the stuff hernias are made of - Oy. ;o)

Russ said...

Great Pictures. You can do so much with them. My wife would spend the entire day right in that store.

Duni said...

Oooh...I love shopping at places like this (we have them in the big city) I would show you but I'm too chicken taking pics inside a shop because usually there is a sales clerk hovering nearby ;-)
The 2nd tree is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

That place is nothing more than a crack house for those who love such things! (Of course, if the little lady comes home and showers some joy on her husband and little white puppy afterward, allowances could be made.)

booahboo said...

i love these shops... there's so many treasures in every nook and cranny and you'll want to take them all home. Didya get a good buy? Looking forward to the pics of the main street :D

Donna said...

Oh, it's Christmas!!Hahaa
Love it!!! Especially the Flags!

Erika said...

Beautiful. These photos remind me that I can turn this cabin-like old house and use its features into something like what I see here.

Hope you had lots of fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cant wait for more pics. love the doors and would like to walk through them. my favorite is the second up from the bottom, what a lovely room that is. the trees are super and your are right, i see Christmas card in these

Christmas-etc... said...

You "milk" away!! These are such mood-evoking photos! I just love this visit and look forward to more!
Thanks Ann!

Reeni said...

These are so pretty! They make me think of old time comfort. I just want to snuggle up to a fire with a cup of tea now!

Jackie said...

Wow, that store would be dangerous for me. Walter tries to keep me out of Christmas and decoration stores.

This looks wonderful and I would love to go. I too think they would make some great Christmas cards!

Hope you have another terrific day!!:-)

Tammy said...

I love Christmas trees. These are just beautiful. Looks like a fun spot.

Ann said...

Char you are very welcome. Your own pictures can even make cards more personal

LDH I just wanted to move right in to that building. I loved it

Sandee you would have liked it, it was fantastic

Beaded tail oh that would have been so much fun :)

sharkbytes mine hates stuff like this so that's why he stayed home :)

Julie me too, I kept thinking what a great place for big old family gathering

the old geezer you are very welcome

livintheblues and I know how much fun it can be to bah humbug too. I've done lots of it the last couple of years

tahtimbo they have a kitchen store there that I'm sure you would love even better

Miawa it was fabulous and believe it or not I didn't buy all that much

Kirsten a very great place even got a couple ideas for things to make

Grace Main street straight ahead :)

Lin, you betcha

Philippa I knew you would think so and the quilled holly is a great idea

Josep hopefully I'll get around to doing them

Jen LOL you crack me up. I didn't even think of that but then I know that the ginormous jingle bells weren't all that heavy

Russ thanks and I wouldn't blame her but I bet she would want to check out all the other stuff too

Duni I usually am to chicken to pull out the camera but when we got up there no one was around so I went for it

Fishhawk a crack house huh? Well then that's my kind of crack. Seeing as how I was spending my own money a certain husband had no room to complain

Anny there sure are, and I did want to take home lots but I behaved

Donna yes it sure was, complete with Santa

Erika I would love to have a house like that

Sandra more coming tomorrow

Ann I plan on it :)

Reeni old time comfort is the perfect description. Kind of the way I wish life was sometimes

Shinade I had a budget otherwise I probably would have gone crazy. I took a certain amount out of the bank for the trip and that was all I was allowing myself to spend

B boys mom It is a very fun spot. I just love going there

Out on the prairie said...

I could see some reverse image or black and white for the images to be used.

Marg said...

Those surer are wonderful trees with all those different decorations. Those pictures would make a great Christmas card. I bet it was so much fun to see all that. I would have loved to have seen that too. Thanks for sharing all this.
Take care

Catherine said...

What a beautiful store Ann ~ you must have had so much fun walking through this store. I could spend hours and hours in a store like this ~ lucky you!
xo Catherine

gayle said...

That store looks so familiar! Love your photos!

marie said...

I would love to visit that store ~ it looks so inviting.
These photos would might wonderful Christmas cards. Especially the last one.

Donna said...

What beautiful trees! I'd love to take the Americana one home with me!

Ann said...

out on the prairie, hmm never thought of that, I'll have to give it a try

Marg gave me some good ideas too

catherine I did I did :)

gayle well it's a style worth copying in my opinion

marie I bet you would love Volant

donna there were a lot of things in there that I would have loved to take home with me.

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