Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Today I give you three very special veterans
My son, my father and my future son-in-law.


Out on the prairie said...

Pretty impressive, on a day like today it makes you think more about their passion for fredom.Today when they played taps everyone became misty eyed, and I am sure the salutes were being sent to someone special.My hat off to Applebees offering out free meals to vets today. A local grocery had free breakfast.

Julie Harward said...

I want to thank YOU...for sharing them today....there is nothing as great as a good man who is willing to defend our country! Very handsome men too! ;D

Sharkbytes said...

Nice looking group! You have a great collection of guys there!

Sandee said...

Those that serve ensure our freedom. Without them freedom would be no more. Bless them one and all.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Donna said...

God bless them for their service!!!

Joanne Olivieri said...

A beautiful tribute and a heartfelt thanks to them.

BeadedTail said...

Beautiful tribute to your three special veterans! Many thanks to them and all those who protect our freedom!

Anonymous said...

And a good looking crew they are! Your father was one good-looking young man! Look at those sparkling eyes and fabulous smile - a real heart breaker.

tahtimbo said...

Please thank them for me!
May God bless each and every one and keep them safe.

allotments4you said...

My thoughts are with those of the past, present and future. xx

Unknown said...

VERY WELL DONE! (Duke helped--didn't he?)

Catherine said...

3 very handsome men to be sure!! Wonderful!
xo Catherine

Donna said...

Oh Ann! You're surrounded in Angels!! God Bless them all!!!
Wonderful photo!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very special, indeed! Very nice collage of these three handsome men in your life. My gratitude and thanks to each of them.

Russ said...

Wonderful picture. Great set of heros you have in your life. As a Vet myself I feel the service men today are getting a raw deal. You are suppose to spend a year there. Some are extended and some go right back.That is pushing fate to the limit.I will be glad when all our service men and women are home.
I won't do any venting. I just want to let them know that our prayers are with them.

Ann said...

out on the prairie I heard that Applebees was doing that, very nice.

julie it was my honor to share them.

sharkbytes can't argue with that :)

sandee amen to that

donna indeed

poetic shutterbug glad you liked it

beaded tail thanks and I second the thanks

grace you know I tend to agree but thought my opinion might be a little biased :)

tahtimbo consider it done

allotments4you same here

fishhawk but of course :)

catherine yes they sure are

donna what a lovely thought

LDH thanks

russ as much as I admire all the young men and women who serve their country I have some opinions on the military that are most likely better left unsaid.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You are blessed to have these special veterans in your life and thank you for the wonderful and touching collage.

Anonymous said...

God bless your veterans and all the others who have served our nation.


booahboo said...

Very handsome chaps you have in your family. I am sure you are most proud of them. Have a great weekend Ann.

Jackie said...

I have to agree Ann! they are a good looking set and I send out my special thank you to them and also you and your family.

Our SIL and several nephews are also military. The service all of these men and women do for our country is incredible.

The sacrifices made by them and family are very difficult as you know!!

Thanks for sharing this with us Ann!

Jackie said...

I still have no clue how I missed this post either. I think I am loosing my mind. I know I have been taking nap after nap since the clocks turned back.

Oh by the way, on a personal note, thank you Ann for not giving up on me. You are a true and wonderful friend!!

Big hugs!

Leeuna said...

A very handsome group. Bless them for their service. I know you're proud of each one.

Marg said...

A big thank you to your father, your son, and your son in law to be for fighting for our country. We would be in terrible trouble without them. We certainly owe them a huge thanks.
Take care and have a great week end.

Tammy said...

What a wonderful picture of the veterans in your life.

Erika said...

What a handsome family! I hope you had a great day.

Ann said...

Sandra yes I am and thank you

the old geezer Amen

anny I sure am.

Shinade I have so many family members who have served in the military, I just wished I had a picture of all of them to post.
I wouldn't dream of giving up on you, I was hoping that you eventually get back to blogging. I missed lyou

Leeuna yes I sure am

Marg I know they each would appreciate your thanks

b boys mom thanks

erika thank you very much, and I did

the booker man said...

miss ann,
me and asa and mama are so thankful for your son and daddy and son-in-law and their service to our country!!

the booker man

pee s -- thankies for the happy birthday wishes! :)

Ann said...

booker, they would all be very appreciative of your thankfulness. I hope you had a great birthday

Carole Barkett said...

I am so thankful for those who put their life on the line for us, bless them and you for the support you give.

Ann said...

country mouse studios I am thankful for each of them as well

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