Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sew easy

No I didn't make that coat for Duke yet. I need to go out and buy some material for that. I did use up some scraps of fabric that I've had laying around forever though. I got a start on some Christmas gifts. My plan is to make as many gifts as I can this year.
Duke was gracious enough to pose with my completed project.
It's a fabric cover for a tissue box.
I have 2 completely done,  another one almost finished and a 3rd one cut out and ready to start on.
I plan on doing some in Christmas prints and some that can be used all year long. I saw these at a craft show that I went to last month and knew they couldn't be too hard to make. All I had to do was measure the tissue box to figure out how big to cut the fabric. They went together pretty quick and if I had been more ambitious I probably could have gotten several more done.


♥ Sallie said...

Super cute!


Out on the prairie said...

I often refer to my sewing lady, as my favorite sew and sew.I never learned much in the line of sewing, but this one is a great idea.I haven't seen it at any of the shows I have went to.Homemade is a gift that keeps giving.

Carole Barkett said...

that is such a great idea, love it. Wish I still sewed.

Sandee said...

That's way cool. I like it a lot.

Have a terrific day and my very best to handsome Duke. :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Nice job, Ann! And ever handsome Duke!

booahboo said...

This is most lovely... you did start on the books quite fast :) good for you Ann.
iHeartHandmade ;)

Ann said...

Sallie, I thought so when I saw them at the craft show and was too cheap to pay for one especially since I knew I could figure it out myself

out on the prairie that's funny. I bet she loves being called a sew and sew :)

country mouse studio I haven't done much sewing in quite some time but have really had fun doing these

sandee thanks, I rather liked them myself

LDH lol, I figure if I put Duke in the shot anything I make will look even better :)

Anny thanks but I must confess this was not out of the books :) I'll get to those though

Catherine said...


And the tissue box is cute too! :)
xo Catherine

Sheri said...

I really, really like those! You are giving me another idea. I can never find cute tissue boxes that match my new kitchen. I should whip up a few myself! God knows that I have a TON of fabric in my stash. I worked at JoAnn Fabrics for so many years, I've accumulated a lot.

Anonymous said...

Oh I like those! Nifty idea.

Joanne Olivieri said...

First, that is beautiful fabric and what a great gift. I always enjoy handmade gifts. You are quite talented, my friend.

BeadedTail said...

That's a cute idea! I think your model is pretty darn cute too!

tahtimbo said...

Those look really great and what a great idea! They would look great when we put out out tissue box for our guests at Thanksgiving.
Oh, it appears as if Duke is looking out into the middle distance in search of his coat :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

I love this gift idea!Hmmm...maybe I will try to make a few.
Duke is the perfect salesperson...or salesdog. :)

Unknown said...

It looks like the wrappings for many of your presents this coming Christmas will be as precious as the gifts themselves. Maybe I have just hung out with some really weird people, but I know of several who were as thrilled with getting the velvet bag that Crown Royal comes in as the Crown Royal itself. (No, I would rather not divulge what they would often keep in the bag afterward.

Philippa said...

Lovely work, Ann. I'm sure people will be thrilled to receive these at Christmas.

Unknown said...

Nice gift-idea and beautifully presented with the help of Duke. (You are so cute, Duke!) Good luck with your ambition to make as many Christmas presents as you can. I am sure they will be greatly appreciated.

Your gift idea also reminds me that I could sew little jewellery pouches to send with my orders. It is always inspiring visitng your blog.

Thank you for your comment on my Saturday Centus Week 27-post.

Best wishes & hugs,
For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's SC week 27

Russ said...

Great job. My wife is doing the same thing. Making as many Christmas presents as possible.She crochets hers.

Audrey said...

Wonderful color!!! They will look amazing in Christmas prints.
Duke is handsome as always :)

Jackie said...

Oh my I wish I was this creative!! Those are just beautiful Ann!! And Duke deserves a treat for posing so well for you.

Oh dear I haven't even thought about Christmas yet. It will be another mad dash!!

I hope you and Duke have a grand day!!:-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the TT cozy cover is beautiful. WOW. i can't even sew a straight seam so i am impressed. Duke looks bright and cheerful with his pretty red collar. that is the same type we use on our dogs, but they both need new ones, the colors have faded. Jake wears burgundy and baby girl wear neon Pink.

Christmas-etc... said...

These are really pretty! I love the colors and somebody is going to be thrilled to receive these as gifts! I think handmade items are so from the heart! Really nice!

Theresa said...

Ann what a cool idea and they are really pretty too. You did a great job and thanks to Duke for posing with it.

Donna said...

those look grand!

allotments4you said...

oh they are lovely Ann...I love handmade cards and gifts...I think it is nice when someone has taken out a little of their time just for you!!

livintheblues said...

Ha! if it's seeewww easy how come I can't do it???? .. maybe cause I am dangerous to myself with sharp objects in my hands... :)

Erika said...

This is really cute. I like how it looks like a present.

Donna said...

This is pretty!! And Duke is as handsome as ever!!

Sharkbytes said...

Cute- handmade is best!

Marg said...

Oh good boy Duke to pose with the new creation.Those are terrific. I think it is great that you are doing all this. I have always wanted to make all my Christmas gifts. There is nothing better than a homemade present. Very special.
Take care.

Ann said...

Catherine Duke can make anything look good :)

Sheri oh that must have been a fun job. I don't know why I never tried to get a job in a craft or fabric store

Grace thanks, something different to give

poetic shutterbug I really liked that fabric too, bought it years ago to try and make a quilt and never got around to finishing, I just gave up.

beaded tail he is a great model

tahtimbo yes I do believe Duke is wondering where it is because it's getting cold out and he needs it NOW lol

Jean maybe I could get him a real job :)

Fishhawk I won't even ask what was kept in the bag afterwards, I'm probably better off not knowing

Philippa well if they aren't too bad because this is what they're getting...lol

Anna jewelry pouches would be a great idea to send with your orders.

Russ i haven't done any crocheting in some time. One year I did make several blankets and I think I burnt out on crocheting

Audrey thanks, I've got several done in christmas print this was the only plain one

shinade I'm trying to avoid the mad dash that I usually do

sandra Duke's collar only looks good right now because it's new. Bought it right after his little disappearing act

Ann I prefer hand made gifts myself. They have more meaning to them I think

Theresa thank you, they went together pretty quick once I figured it all out

donna, thanks

allotments4you I couldn't agree more

livintheblues maybe you've just never given it a fair try...lol

Erika thanks, and it does look like a present

donna thanks and Duke thanks you also

sharkbytes, yes you're right handmade is best

marg handmade gifts are not only better to get but making them is less expensive and it keeps me busy :)

Duni said...

That little tissue box is super cute!!! I love the holiday-themed fabric. What a great idea and perfect gift :)

Tammy said...

That is really nice. What a great idea.

vickie said...

cute!!! want my address? lol

Ann said...

duni thanks, pretty simple to make too

b boys mom thank you,

vickie, :) you never know

gayle said...

Love these! As I have said before you are so talented!

Ann said...

Gayle, ah thanks, you are too kind

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