Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

An early post today and then tomorrow back to our regular schedule.

Just a few shots from last Thanksgiving

Wishing all of you here in the United States a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving. And for all of you, wherever you may live, I am thankful for your friendship. I do indeed treasure each and every one of you.


Donna said...

Oh, These are great Ann! Look at Duke!!!Hahaaa...he's so precious!
Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend!

Miawa said...

Sweet memories, cute treats, great pic of Duke. Have a Blessed and gracious day of thanks.

Russ said...

Happy Thanksgiving Ann. Duke looks so dignified sitting up in the chair with his bow tie.As for the oreo cookies. I love them and the way you made is to die for.
I hope you enjoy your day and the rest of your life gives you many things to be Thankful for.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the handsome guy in the black tie outfit made me split my face with a great big smile. really cute "turkeys"
Happy thanksgiving

booahboo said...

Wow.. that cookie thing is awesome :) good idea to do it like that. You are most creative. Your table setup is also very nice.

Duke.. what can i say.. such a handsome dude with the bowtie!

Happy Thanksgiving...and hope Mister Duke get some turkey+sauce :)

Jackie said...

Happy Thanksgiving Ann and you too Duke.

These are wonderful pictures and my oh my a black tie dinner too for Duke.

Blessings of peace and love,

Donna said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sandee said...

Awww...Duke wore is bow tie for Thanksgiving. That's just plain adorable.

You, Wade and Duke have a terrific Thanksgiving. Big hug. My very, very best to Duke. :)

Lin said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Ann and Duke! We are thankful that you are our pallies too. :)

Out on the prairie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Ann.

livintheblues said...

have a great day Ann.. :)

Daisy said...

Happy Thanksforgiving day!

marie said...

Love the cookie/candy turkey!

Hope you (and Duke) have a most blessed day today!!

Carole Barkett said...

Oh yum, Happy Thanksgiving to you and for your wonderful blog & Duke :O)

BeadedTail said...

Now those are my kind of turkeys! Duke is very handsome all dressed up for dinner. Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Marg said...

Look at that Duke, do you get to sit at the table with your very own bowl. Too cute. Those fancy cookies look terrific. We are very thankful for your friendship. Hugs Duke.

Char said...

Duke looks adorable, hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Catherine said...

Such a cute little yummy craft your turkey is! And Duke looks like he is dressed for the occasion! Adorable!

Happy Thanksgiving Ann!
xo Catherine

Tanyia said...

Happy Thanksgiving, big sis! :)

Duke looks flippin' adorable in his bowtie! :)

Zach said...


Such a creative way to make that cookie more yummy.

Duke looks cool with his bow tie but I could see a hand lifting him. :)

I also treasure our friendship Ann and Duke! ^_^

allotments4you said...

I love the oreo turkeys...I think my kids would like to make these...and eat them!!!!

J. M. P. said...

Ann, I treasure your friendship and adore your cookie turkeys!!

Jen said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Duke you look positively dashing :o)

Jackie said...

I wasn't able to do hardly anything at the PC yesterday either Ann.

Being on a satellite really bites, usage limits and bad weather make it very difficult some times.

Then, just now, I realized when I did get on my PC I had my posts set with the wrong date...wrong post up top..that's my world!!

I also didn't get in any
photography due to this miserable weather we are having.

I hope you and Duke had a great day!!

VanillaSeven said...

Wow! Duke with a bowtie! SO handsome! Happy Thanksgiving ann! :)

Ann said...

Donna, thanks and doesn't he look dashing in the bow tie?

Miawa gotta love the memories

russ he does doesn't he? I can't remember where I found the turkey idea but I thought they were adorable

Sandra duke knows how to dress for the occasion :)

Anny I found that on some website last year but can't remember where

shinade and to you also. hope you had a great day

donna right back at ya

sandee yes he did, he said it was a special occasion

lin to you also,

out on the prairie and to you also, hope you had a great day

Daisy, hope you and Harley had a great Thanksgiving, and you mom and dad too

marie aren't those just the cutest?

country mouse studio and a happy thanksgiving to you also

beaded tail who could resist a chocolate turkey

marg his table manners do need some

char thanks and hope you had a good one too

catherine I just fell in love with those when I saw them

tanyia and you too.

zach well duke did need a little help with the pose, he was just too darn excited about everything

allotments4you they were really easy to do I'm sure the kids would have fun with them

josep thank you to both, I'm always glad to see you stopping by

jen and the same to you, hope you enjoyed the day

shinade that sounds like how things usually go for hope you had a great day

vanilla seven he was looking rather dapper in his bow tie :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Love Dukes formal attire ~ a most handsome chap!

Cute cookies too!

Tammy said...

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that Duke didn't eat to much. Love the turkey cookies. What a great idea.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Lovely favors, and I'm glad to see that Duke dresses for dinner!

Unknown said...

Sorry for being so late. Our Internet has been down for around 16 hours. Did Duke save me anything?

tahtimbo said...

That cookie turkey looks yummy and Duke looks prepared to dig in. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Ann said...

LDH he thought that a special day called for a special outfit.

b boys mom I think we all ate too much, including

sharkbytes I thought the turkeys were so cute, I just had to make them. Duke does know how to dress for the occasion

Fishhawk Duke did have a plate set aside for you but then didn't think you were going to make it so he ate it. Sorry. No internet for 16 hours is cruel and unusual punishment

tahtimbo we sure did, quiet, small and relaxing. hope yours was a good one too

The Oceanside Animals said...

At last, a turkey I would be willing to eat!

Ann said...

Dennis, ah not a turkey lover huh? who could resist a chocolatey one though. I know I can't

Ann Martin said...

Ahhh, now that's my kind of turkey - nothing dry or tasteless about it! Sounds like you had a good day with both cooking and painting underway.

Ann said...

Ann, who could resist a chocolatey It was a good day, hope you had a good one as well

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