Saturday, December 11, 2010

All work and no play

You know what they say about all work and no play. If it makes Jack a dull boy I'm sure that it would have the same effect on us girls as well. Not being the type to take risks I took a little break while at work the other day and did some playing.
One of the girls I was working with knocked a couple bowls off the table and they landed on the floor behind me. I turned around and they were laying there right next to each other and I made the comment that they looked like a snowman. Karleen pointed out that it needed a head so she grabbed another bowl and laid it on the floor. Then he needed some arms so I grabbed a couple pieces from the rotisserie. No self respecting snowman would be caught without a hat so we added a colander. Of course the weather outside is frightful so he also needed a scarf. We grabbed one of the rags off the sink and he was properly attired. Something was missing though. Oh I know, head to the salad case and grab him a nose. I know snowmen usually have a carrot nose but this is no ordinary snowman so he shall have a jalapeno pepper nose.
I guess I'm safe from dullness for another day.


Catherine said...

Haha ~ oh how creative you are Ann! Sometimes we have to add a little fun into our work day wherever we can get it!

xo Catherine

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

That is too funny ! I love it. Thanks for sharing a smile.

livintheblues said...

haha! ..well done ...:)

Out on the prairie said...

What a good snowman, still giggling. You have to have those moments to make work fun and give you a good laugh later.With that pepper for a nose we might have to cal him,Mister muñeco de nieve, Mister Snowman.Keep it up!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, this is too cute!!!! He is rather rakish and stylish looking! I think all the snowwomen will be after him for the cool blue hat with the head ventilation!

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Love, love, love your whimsy! Made me smile.

Sandee said...

You don't drink at work do you? Bwahahahahaha. Just kidding. You have to do something silly sometimes just to make it through the day. I so remember.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Helen said...

Very funny!

tahtimbo said...

I like it! It's always great if you can have fun at work :)

Anonymous said...

Very clever! And fun...

BeadedTail said...

That's a very creative and fun snowman! Love the jalepeno nose!

Unknown said...

Is it that you really have went and plumb lost it now or that you are just now getting around to letting us know how bad it has got?

Jen said...

HaHaHa - that's terrific! A great way to break up the monotony of the work day ;o)

Audrey said...

That's so cool! You can never have too much fun :)

Russ said...

That was a great snowman. Of course no one but you would have dreamed up the idea. You are very creative. Thanks for the laugh.

Jackie said...

LOL at Sandee and her remark. Ann, I swear I think you could take anything and turn it into something fun and interesting!

I am going to check into some of these craft projects you do. I would love to learn how to do some of them for Christmas present for the kids and grandchildren next year.

Yes, probably another expensive habit I will obtain!!

Hope you have a great Sunday!

Jackie said...

I won't send them the snowman though. I want to learn and try to understand quilling.:-)

Unknown said...

Ha ha so funny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sandra claus ho ho hoed out loud at this one, first of all it is CUTE and second that grown ups were playing. I love it.

Ann said...

Every work day needs some lightheartedness thrown in, if you ask me - cute idea!

Carole Barkett said...

Always creative, very cute snowman

Bossy Betty said...

Love how your mind works!!

Sheri said...

Perfect snowman! You couldn't do that again if you tried!

jeanlivingsimple said...

I LOVE it! Guess y'all are really busy this time of year. Playing keeps you sane.:)

Marg said...

That is hysterical Ann but oh so clever. Great snow man especially the nose. That is just terrific. Good thing you have such an artist's eye. Who else would have thought of a snowman in pans. Take care and have a great evening.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I like the way you think! A most adorable snowman!

Ann said...

Thanks for the comments everyone, Glad you all enjoyed my little play time :) I've been busy baking all day so in the interest of catching up on things here I'm just leaving one comment. You guys are the best

DSS said...

You are too clever! hahaha

Tammy said...

Very cute!

marie said...

I love this guy! You must be a total blast to work with!!

Ann said...

Dss, I have my moments

b boys mom hee hee

marie, oh my there are several people at work who would so NOT agree with

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