Friday, December 3, 2010

Block 2

I tried to get Duke to help me show you my second block but this was his answer

Apparently he just wasn't in the mood for pictures today. I'll have to do this one on my own then. I finished the second block and I like this one better than the first.
 Again, I printed out a quote, embossed it with the cuttlebug, and distressed it a bit with some ink. I quilled the scrolls, holly leaves and bells for the right hand side. Then I glued on some little gold bead that I had in my stash. I also glued on a strip of gold ribbon along the bottom and top edge. Not the original plan but I needed to cover up the fact that I cut the striped paper just a smidge smaller than the white cardstock.
And here's a close up of the quilling.
And here


Out on the prairie said...

Really nice design,I can't believe Duke wasn't in the spirit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, this is just stunning, Ann! The bells are georgous! You really should frame it in a memory box and hang it for Christmas. Do you ever sell your crafts? I saw the spider under your post, and couldn't resist clicking on "Daddy Won't Be Coming Home". This is because I have arachnophobia, and have posted stories about it quite a bit. What a clever title. I would have run naked from the shower, screaming for hubby, probably slipping in the process. Spiders are the bane of my existence.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very Nice!!!

Beebeebabs said...

Great job thanks for sharing!!!

Helen said...

Love the bells and the scrolls! The lay out is just lovely.

Ann said...

out on the prairie thank you. I can't believe it either. I don't know what his problem was :)

Ginny thank you very much. As of yet, no I don't sell anything but I have been thinking about it. One of these days I may take it beyond the thinking stage. I'm ok with spiders as long as they keep their distance :)

LDH thanks

beebeebabs, thanks so much and you're welcome

Helen thank you. I was very happy with the way this one turned out.

Ann said...

Absolutely gorgeous, Ann! You keep getting better and better and better!!

Anonymous said...

I just love this quilling stuff - so pretty!

Whimcees said...


This is a most beautiful card! Lovely! And your dog is so great - I wish I had one like him! You are so lucky to have such a sweet friend!

Wishing you a happy weekend with your family!


Barbara Diane

tahtimbo said...

Way to go, Duke! That's how all the pictures of me turn out: fuzzy :)

Your work is just amazing! Your attention to detail is incredible and it shows in your work.

Jackie said...

This may be my favorite so far. I am with Grace. I am really getting into this stuff.

You should give lessons!:-)

Duni said...

I thought the candles were cute, the bells are even cuter!

Ann said...

Ann, thanks. I have some good days and then some not so good. that's why it takes me so long to get anything finished :)

Grace I'm with you. I'm fascinated by it.

Whimcees. thanks, and I am lucky to have Duke. He sure brightens my day

tahtimbo I prefer fuzzy pictures of me or even better NO pictures of Thank you for your kind words

The Painted Veil mine too I don't know if I can top this one

Duni I think I actually liked the candles better than the bells but I prefer the overall look of this one to the other.

Unknown said...

Yep, I have to admit that you are getting really good at this "stuff"--begrudgingly.

Jen said...

Oh my goodness Ann, that is absolutely GORGEOUS! Where did you get the pattern? Or have you transcended the need for patterns? *grin* You go girl - Woo!

Philippa said...

This is lovely, Ann! Your quilled bells are perfect. And well done with the strategically placed gold ribbon - just what I would have done!!

Ann said...

fishhaw well you don't have to admit it but I thank you for doing so :)

Jen thank you. The book, Beautiful Quilling tells you how to make the bells but from there I sort of just winged it. I haven't completely broken free from patterns but I'm trying

Philippa thanks bells seem to be easier than holly leaves for me. I just can't seem to get those to look right. The gold ribbon was a must, no way was I starting all over and I thought it was a good save.

Russ said...

Excellent job as usual Ann. Sorry Duke wouldn't cooperate.
Hope you have a wonderful Weekend.

Donna said...

Duke's no dummy!!Hahaaaa...I'm with Him! How you manage to create something So Pretty out of paper, I'll never know....

Marg said...

Wow, Ann we are so impressed. The bells are just gorgeous. You are really doing well. And guess what, the picture of Duke is great too simply because it is such an interesting picture with the head all fuzzy and the rest clear as a bell. Too funny Duke shaking his head at the right moment. Take care and have a great week end.

Catherine said...

Funny Duke! Perhaps he didn't want his cuteness to take away from the beauty of your craft! :)

Very pretty Ann!
xo Catherine

livintheblues said...

sometimes it's difficult working with a tempermental leading man..:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

me to on the favorite. I love those bells, they are really beautiful. and dukes head shake is priceless and gave me my smile of the day

Sandee said...

Duke just does what he feels like doing and there is nothing wrong with that.

I like this one better too. You are so talented.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

ReneeBuchananArt said...

Ann, the card is BEAUTIFUL. I saw an example of quilling on Crafters Coast to Coast and thought I'd never have the patience to do it, but after seeing your card, I may have to try!

Donna said...

Very pretty!

Ann said...

Russ thank you. I guess it just wasn't a good time to try and get Duke's picture

Donna Duke may not be a dummy but he sure can be stubborn

Marg why thanks. I liked the bells too. The picture of Duke really did look to me like he was shaking his head "no"

catherine you may be right. in that case, how thoughtful of him :)

livintheblues tell me about it

sandra I think this one is going to be hard to top but I'll try. Duke says it's just all in a days work :)

sandee you're right, I think he might be under the impression that he's a

FunkyFolky thank you very much. I was fascinated by quilling from the first time I saw it

Donna thank you

allotments4you said...

Lovely Ann...and you would pay so much for something like this in the shops!!

booahboo said...

This is really beautiful work :) you should sell this on etsy :)

Ann said...

allotments4you, thanks, I think that's why I like making things so much since you can do it so much cheaper that what you would pay for it in the stores

Anny, thank you very much. I really am considering the etsy shop

Anne said...

That is beautiful! Maybe Duke was worried that his cuteness would distract from the beauty of the card.

Tammy said...

I love the bells. I know I say I love everything you make but I do. You do such a great job.

Ann said...

Anne that is very possible, you may be on to

b boys mom thank you. I tend to use the "I love it" comment a lot myself. I'm always sincere though :)

Antonella said...

Wow - what a beautiful card... I love quilling, and have added you to my blogroll so I can check out more of your work.
Hugs, antonella :-)

Ann said...

Antonella thanks, I'm pretty new to quilling and I'm in awe of some of the work I've seen out there. Hope to see more of you around. I like getting new visitors

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