Monday, December 20, 2010

Picture play

Since I didn't have much energy for much of anything over the weekend I sat and played with my photoshop elements. I don't do too many creative edits any more and thought it would be fun. A few nights ago I was playing with the camera trying to produce some ultra creative photographic compositions. I wasn't real impressed with the results. Oh well, nothing lost, nothing gained right?
this is one of the pictures I took. It was almost what I was hoping for except that the ornament was too dark.

I set out to lighten it up but I may have gone a bit too far not to mention that it's looking rather grainy.

Just for the fun of it I thought I would make it look more like a painting. I liked it a whole lot better when I first did it. Maybe my head was a bit stuffier than I thought.
One more thing before I go today. I wanted to point out the badge on my right sidebar to you. For those of you that aren't familiar with Jackie of the Painted Veil her and Sandee from Comedy Plus are having a Chrismtas blog hop. If you aren't already planning on joining in go check it out, it sounds like fun


Rick (Ratty) said...

I like all three. They each have their own special Christmasy quality. I like the darkness of the first one because that and the blur of the background together made me want to focus on each. And it all together felt so quiet and peaceful. Being able to do things like these with my pictures is something I wish I was better at.

Marg said...

We like them all. We have also joined in the Blog hop with Sandee and Jackie. That sounds like fun. Love the pictures.

Catherine said...

Sometimes I can spend hours and hours playing with all the different effects in photoshop. These were fun photos Ann!

xo Catherine

Out on the prairie said...

I liked the last best, but liked the first next.They all had a Ann charm to them.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, I like what you did with these photos! All of them are really nice!!!

booahboo said...

I love the first picture.. and the bokeh feel to the background :) Its a nice shot!

livintheblues said...

well done Ann.. all three look great

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I like the third one best, although that really dark one has a great deal of appeal.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The last one is my favorite!! The effect is really stunning and so different!!

Anonymous said...

All three photos look great! :-)

Ann, I hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas :-)

God Bless You, ~Ron

Anonymous said...

When I had the patience and the curiosity they didn't have the software. Now they have the software and I don't..well, you know.

The pictures are pretty anyway...

Reeni said...

You made it look so pretty! I kind of like the original too - the way the lights are glowing in the background looks neat.

Sandee said...

I can't find my way around anything in Photoshop. I'm just not crafty or talented. Sigh. I like the first photograph the very best. It works for me.

I'm happy you are joining the Christmas Celebration Blog Hop. It's really easy to do and it's fun.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

BeadedTail said...

I like all three photos but really like the last one. I have plans next summer to try to learn Photoshop so I can play with photos too!

Hugs to Duke!

WillOaks Studio said...

Those are such pretty photos! I must say, the original is the most evocative for the perspective and the darkness!

Molly Smith said...

I hope you are feeling better Ann! Photoshop is Greek to me now, I haven't used it in over 15 years. But I love, love the last one, painted looking photo. Gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by and a very Merry Christmas to you!

Duni said...

I like playing around with photoshop too; trying out the different effects :)
I like the first photo you took. I like how the lights glow in the background. So pretty!

Unknown said...

I like the second one bestest of all, but the first one has a certain "artistic" look to it. Hey, it might fit in real well with a piece about about missing someone at Christmas time? (Duke should have a talk with you about the third one.)

Philippa said...

I like the middle one best, but they're all so warm and colourful - I think what you've done is great! I'm thinking about getting Photoshop Elements next year, as I keep reading about all the wonderful effects you can get.

Russ said...

Hope you are feeling better. I love all of them. I like the second one the best.

Donna said...

The last picture is a great digital save! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have the same problem when part of the photo is dark, but you did have fun .i like the lights in the first shot. i will check out the blog hop

Ann said...

Ratty I was happy with the way the background looked in the first one. It took me a lot of practice to figure out how to do some of these things

marg oh yeah, glad you're joining the blog hop

catherine me too, I've lost entire days playing

out on the prairie hmm an Ann charm huh? wonder if that's a good thing or a bad

LDH well if nothing else it kept me busy and out of trouble

Anny I liked the bokeh in it too. thanks

livintheblues thank you so kindly

sharkbytes I wasn't sure if I went a little over board with the last one

ginny it looked to me like there were hints of gold in it

the old geezer thank you, a very merry Christmas to you as well

Grace isn't that the way it always goes.

reeni I think I should have just attempted to slightly lighten the Christmas ornament on the table instead of the whole picture

sandee it took me what seemed like forever to figure it out. I was so upset because I thought I had wasted the money on a program I couldn't understand

beaded tail word of warning photoshop can become very

will oaks, the more I look at the original the more I like it the way it is.

molly it was greek to me for quite some time also. took me forever to figure it out

duni it's fun to see all the different things you can do to one picture

fishhawk I think you might be right about the theme for the picture

philippa you really should give photoshop elements a try, I personally think it's a wonderful program

russ, thanks and yes I am feeling a bit better

donna thank you, looks pretty festive huh? :)

sandra oh yes I sure did have fun. At least I don't sit here and lose entire weekends like I used to

Donna said...

Isn't it just Fun to sit there and play with the photos?? I can get SO flippin' wrapped up in it!Hahaa
Love these! ALL of them!

Ann said...

Donna, yes it sure is fun. I've lost so many hours sitting in front of the computer playing it's not funny. Time just flies by when you're playing

DSS said...

Oooh! I especially like the second one. I'm not sure why it's my fave, but it is :)

Ann said...

DSS no need to explain why it's your favorite, everyone likes what they like and that's all there is to it :)

gayle said...

I like all 3 but the last is my favorite!

Carol said...

I like all three! But especially the middle one!

Merry Christmas!

Anne said...

I agree with Ratty, they each have their own charm. It definitely captures the Christmas spirit.

Ann said...

gayle, I liked it better when I first did

dishesdone why thanks and Merry Christmas to you also

Anne it makes me think of sitting in the living room on Christmas eve, dreaming of Santa coming :)

Carole Barkett said...

really pretty, I love Christmas lights.

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