Monday, December 13, 2010

Holly Jolly weekend

Yes I did indeed have a holly jolly weekend. If any of you were around last year you may remember we bah humbugging through the holidays. I went through several years of that and finally this year I've broken free and my holly jolly has returned.
I got up early on Saturday, took my time waking up and then headed out for a little shopping. I went to two stores, got everything I needed and headed home.
Next came my cookies. I actually spent Saturday and Sunday working on the baking. There is more than this but they were baked after I took the picture.

I pulled out some of the Christmas decorations. (Sorry Amanda I just couldn't put them all out) I chose my favorites and the rest stayed in the boxes.

Several years ago I bought a pattern for a gingerbread girl and boy. I spent so long trying to figure out the girl that I never did make the boy. Maybe one of these years I'll make her a friend. I suppose by then she'll be too old though and he won't find her attractive.

Some of the snowmen take their place on the steps

Yes, I had a wonderful weekend and I'm loving the return of my holly jolly


Anonymous said...

YAY, for holly jolly!!!! I knew if I kept bugging you long enough it would come back! Cookies look yummy and it's ok that you didnt take out the MILLION boxes you have.

Sandee said...

I'm glad you got your holly jolly back. I need to find mine too. I've not one decoration up. Oh well, maybe next year.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Julie Harward said...

I love holly jolly...and boy are you full of it! You have really been going to town with that baking, looks so yummy! Love the gingerbread gal, so cute! And look at your beautiful smile and blue eyes! The holly jolly shows! ;D

Ginny Hartzler said...

You're a vision in red in that last picture! Wow, you did a LOT of baking! I love the snowmen on the steps. And your gingerbread girl is adorable!! Did you make her clothes and everything? Too bad that she will remain a spinster, but better that than she shhould get eaten!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

I'm pretty much in permanent Bah Humbug, but I enjoy your jolly-ness. Om would fight you for your hat!

livintheblues said...

Baked goods..No..Nope I shouldn't nope.. well maybe one......... of each...:)

booahboo said...

Thats a very good holly jolly wolly vibe going there at your home Ann... that's a lot of baking done in a weekend! Your home must be smelling like a million bucks now.

Love the last picture!

Lin said...

Awwww. That is nice that you are feeling a little better about the holidays this year. And I don't think you need a lot of stuff out--just enough to make you feel like it is Christmas. I like to leave a few things in the boxes as well.

Love the Santa hat!

Unknown said...

Oh Ann you have been busy baking. I tried some stollen for the very first time the other week - I had no idea that it was full of soft fluffy marzipan ... now I'm longing for some more and thought I might have a go at baking some. Some of the older cooks are recommending muscavado sugar saying that it tastes like butterscotch when used in baking and that too sounds very tempting ... I might just look like Humpty Dumpty after Christmas ... the little fat egg not the gun, of course!

I love your Christmas characers marching down the stairs ... I don't have quite so many but I do especially like my little Rudolf the red nose reindeer. An animal programme on the television spoilt that be saying that Rudolf is a lady as male reindeer lose their antlers at this time of year so only lady ones have them so Rudolf must be a lady! Perhaps she wears lipstick on her nose. Lol!!

gayle said...

Glad you found your holly jolly! Everything looks beautiful. Wow you baked a lot of stuff!

Ann Martin said...

You and you house are looking very festive. You have me waaay beat, that's for sure! I'll have my act together by Christmas Eve, if past years are any indication. heh!

Anonymous said...

Where to start, where to start? I can name just about all of those cookies (or those my chocolate ones?). I love that table runner; and the comment about the Gingerbread girl - too funny! The snowmen on the stairs are a total delight...And there you are all bright-blue-eyed and Santy Clausy!

Definitely holly-jolly!

VanillaSeven said...

Oh! Your house is so Christmas ann! Love the mood, especially the last pic :)

BeadedTail said...

Your holly jolly did return! All those cookies look so good! That last photo of you is lovely too!

Unknown said...

I don't know, I've heard stories of older gingerbread girls being extra spicy...

Duni said...

I love all of your holiday decorations! And those cookies your baked look so yummy, especially the ones with the chocolate center:)
Ann, you look very holly-jolly in the last pic! I have a Santa hat too, and I was going to post a pic of me wearing it - but you beat me to it. haha.

Zach (Fledgling Blogger) said...

Wow! You truly had a holly jolly weekend Ann! :D

I wish we can also bake cookies like you. LOL

Your decorations are cute and your last photo is nice. Cool Santa hat you got there! ;)

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

I've lost my holly jolly this year. So you're saying it can come back? How do you do it? I need instructions!

p.s. I love the snowmen on your steps. I couldn't do that in a house full of cats. Every morning I'd find them in a heap at the bottom of the steps. Sigh.

Marg said...

Those snowmen are the best or maybe all the cookies are the best. Now I am starving looking at all those goodies. Glad you got your Holly Jolly back. That is such a good picture of you. Duke, watch out, you will be next to be wearing something. Take care.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am on a diet with my hubby and now i bet i have gained 3 pounds staring at your table of goodies and drooling. love your HO HO HO picture. and the gingerbread doll is so sweet

Russ said...

Great to have you into the Holly Jolly with us. We are having a ball over here.Maya will be off for ten days at Christmas and we are planning a lot of great things with her.
I'll be over for cookies later. Never mind too much snow over there.LOL
Have a good day.I love your picture.

Out on the prairie said...

Your snickerdoddles made me think I need some of those.I am doing toffee, sugar cookies and biscotti today.I love your doll, I would like to see her other half.

Anne said...

I can't believe all those cookies. My kids would be in heaven. They would have to taste all of them. Maybe I will try to make cookies this weekend.

Bossy Betty said...

We are loving the return of your holly jolly too!!! How fun to see all you are doing!

Jackie said...

I don't know where to start either. Everything just looks wonderful. Good for you Ann. You look so happy and your decorations are just wonderful!!

Donna said...

Wonderful!!! SO glad you found the Christmas Spirit again Miz Ann!! LOVE All the decorations!

Tammy said...

Welcome back Jolly Holly :) I wish I could find mine. I hope to do some baking this weekend. Yours look so good. Love the snowmen going down the stairs.

Anonymous said...
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Grammy Mouse said...

I am happy you found your holly jolly in time for the holidays! I wish I had a smello-vision monitor , or better yet a reach through one so I could grab up some of those yummy looking goodies!
~Faythe @ GMT~

Ann said...

Amanda, I think it was lost in all the clutter around here. I did take out all the boxes I just didn't leave them all out :)

Sandee you want me to send my daughter over, she's good at finding people's holly jolly

Julie I'm full of it I've been told that often

Ginny you would have thought I would have dreaded the baking since that's what I do for a living but I had a great time. Yep made the clothes for the gingerbread girl and everything. I supposed spinster does sound better than all chewed upon

sharkbytes I thought I was too. My hat is the coolest, I'm gonna try and do a video of what it does

livintheblues oh go ahead, it's the holidays :)

anny ya know I didn't even notice if it smelled good or

Lin yes it feels good for a change, kind of like my old self. I think I always went way overboard with the decorations anyway

kloggers so many cookies to choose from, it's tough to decide what to bake.

gayle I'm glad I found it too

Ann I have some catching up to do for the last few years that I was a real scrooge :)

Grace yes, it's beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas around here. Grab a plate and have some cookies.

vanilla seven it sure is, isn't it great

beaded tail it sure did, I've even been belting out some Christmas

fishhawk lol, it could be true :)

duni oh i hope you post the pic of you in the hat, I would hate to be the only one who does it :)

zach yes I did and I enjoyed every second of it, of course my husband thinks I'm a total nut

junk drawer kathy oh yes it can definitely come back. The key is to forget about everything that you think HAS to be done and just enjoy the season. I feel no obligation to buy, decorate to perfection, bake every single cookie or anything at all. I'm just enjoying

Marg I love my snowmen and they adorn the steps every year. SHHH don't tell Duke he's going to be dressing up for the

Sandra oh don't worry about the diet, I took all the fat and calories out of the pictures. You're quite safe

Russ glad to hear you are enjoying, I bet you're going to have so much fun while Maya is off. I'll shovel the driveway and sidewalk if you want to drop by for cookies

out on the prairie I was going to do sugar cookies but never got around to them, maybe this weekend

Anne most of them will be given away since it's just my husband and I here. otherwise I'll eat far too many of them myself. Of course I don't care how many my husband

bossy betty it's good times I tell ya :)

the painted veil well let me tell you it sure beats the grumps that I've had the last few years

donna so am I, grumpy is no fun

b boys mom did you look in the bottom of that box with all the Christmas garland in it. It may have gotten tangled up in there. I'm sure it didn't go far :)

Sorry spammer, you're out of

grammy mouse that's a good one. I like that. Stop on by I'll fix you a big plate of cookies to take home with you :)

tahtimbo said...

Wow, I'm tired just from reading what you did. Those cookies look fantastic, by the way (hint,hint). I love the idea of the snowmen on the stairs. What does Duke think if them?

Catherine said...

Lots of fun things here ~ and look at that beautiful smiling face! Love it!
xo Catherine

Helen said...

Wow, look at those cookies! my baking/cooking is the opposite of my paper crafting. It must be fun making all those cookies.

Ann said...

tahtimbo Duke doesn't bother them at all, I don't think he really cares that they are there.

catherine aw thanks

Helen it was a ton of fun, I can't believe I had so much

marie said...

So glad your holly jolly has returned!
Sounds like last weekend was a very busy one for you!
What a super yummy lookin' bunch of cookies! I'll be happy if I get through a couple rolls of slice & bake!
Love the snowmen guarding the staircase and your gingerbread gal is cute too!

Carole Barkett said...

yum I love Christmas cookies. Good to know holly jolly comes back :O)

Ann said...

marie, me too. I haven't had this much ambition to do all of this in years

country mouse studio yes, sometimes it takes a little vacation but it can return :)

Sheri said...

Love the snowmen on the stairs! So cute!

Ann said...

Sheri, thanks, those guys have been adorning my steps for years.

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